
All students in grades 3 through 8 receive library grades each trimester.

3rd and 4th

Students in grades 3 and 4 receive an engagement grade each trimester. This grade includes the student's overall effort, participation and behavior. The grade is based on the 4 point scale outlined in the Unified Arts section of the Grading Practices Parent Handbook.

5th through 8th

Students in grades 5 through 8 receive four library grades each trimester. They receive an achievement grade along with grades for the following three learning practices: formative work, engagement, and perseverance.

As with all Unified Arts subjects, library grades assess student performance using frequency of display (i.e. how often students are demonstrating proficiency). These grades are based on the 4 point scale outlined in the Unified Arts section of the Grading Practices Parent Handbook.