King Cyrus of Persia and the Achaemenid Dynasty

"کوروش پادشاه ایران و سلسله هخامنکوروش پادشاه ایران و سلسله هخامنشی"

Emma Bezek Final Project: Ancient HistoryDr. Leslie Heaphy05/03/2022

What does it mean to leave a legacy? It is something that almost everyone thinks about at one time or another during their lifetime. The study of history is, in a sense, a study of legacy. Nations throughout time have left behind something for those who are coming after to study and learn from. However, note that the study of legacy is crucial. Understanding the legacies left to us by those who came before takes time, effort, and even a willingness to look past current prejudices and/or political barriers.

Extent of the Persian Empire ~500 B.C.

It always fascinates me when I consider the country of Iran and the legacy of Persia from an "American" perspective. When we think of Iran, those who are old enough to remember often think of the Allatoya Khomeini, the revolution, and how in a single moment everything changed. They think of the fallen U.S. embassy, or they think of the 80's and 90's and the nuclear program. When we think of Iran now, many of us immediately think of the red, green, and white flag that the U.S. has always had a strained relationship with. We think of Islam, Hijabs, and the strict enforcement of Sharia law, we think of a country that is suffering from a severe economic crisis, or a country that seems to make the wrong alliances at the wrong times.

As people normally do, when we think of a country we think of it in terms of its boundaries, its military, its government, or its might. Rarely, unless we have been trained to think differently, do we think of a country's people (its real, living, breathing people). We do not usually think of its history, its culture, and the beautiful qualities that it possesses. We think of its rulers, to be sure, but we rarely stop to reflect on those that were noble, good or made an impact not only on their people but on others of the world as well. There is often a lot more to a story than one side. In this instance, the story of Iran that the west has heard is incomplete. So much so, that "even Iran" is beautiful. Beyond the country of Iran, its government, and the headlines, Iran has a vibrant heart that is passionately reflected in its people.

This heart is full of life, beauty, warmth, music, art, creativity, and intelligence. It echoes the wealth of Iranian history: this heart is Persian. To quote my friend whom I interviewed for this project (the results of which I will share later): "By name we are Iranian, but in our hearts, we are Persian..."

What is Persia? What is this Persian legacy that brings the people of Iran together even when the empire of Persia no longer exists? Who is the venerable king that founded this mighty empire and has left a legacy not only for his own people but also for the rest of the world? That is the purpose of this assignment. This project is only going to look at a small portion, one dynasty, of Persian history and one of the "greatest kings in all of history." But through that, it is hoped that this will shed a little light on the vast expanse of the Persian Empire and why their legacy is one that should be understood in its completion.