Take a look at what our visitors had to say about their experiences of our Open Day and Open Morning Tours....

Emma Wride, Head of School

Stuart Smith, Executive Head Teacher

"One of the best Open Days we’ve been to."

We are always looking to improve and so we asked our visitors what they thought of our tour. We are very proud of the response from our Saturday tour here with 98% of people feeling KTC's open days were good or excellent!

"The staff and pupils were all lovely and very informative. We will be arranging to come for an open morning too! "

"Spent 2 hours exploring, and my boys loved the experience. Great information and supportive staff and students. Thank you. "

"Organised tour and very friendly staff"

"Great classes and opportunities"

"Friendly staff and students, interactive"

"Welcoming atmosphere. Science, music, technology classes made a big impact."

"The Kemnal kids were happy and friendly."

"Positivity and knowledge of the staff was excellent - being there feels like a good natured and collaborative experience."

"The best thing was the teacher's passion."

"Loved being able to interact at each station. Friendly staff and students!"

"Interacting with the animals was excellent."

"Really engaging experience with approachable and friendly students! "

"My son loved it very much, he was very impressed, had very positive experience"

"The teachers are great and your students are amazing."

"The staff, the students and whole experience was great"

"Pupils and staff were very welcoming "

"Really great school - we will definitely be applying"

"So friendly. A really good experience"

"Very pleased to walk around and speak to teachers. Felt very welcome!

"A very impressive presentation of the school from pupils and staff"

"All of it was great! My child has loved it!"

"Very impressed"

"The staff and students were so welcoming which was lovely. Great facilities and engaging activities."

"Good vibes, so friendly. We were really impressed."