Shady Grove Elementary Library

(Where The Grove Reads!)

Click the pages from the main menu to view all the library news and happenings!

Our students love to read at The Grove!  We keep a running tally of how many books have been checked out campus-wide.  

SGES Place Value Book Check Out Chart 23-24

Welcome to the SGES Library Site!

The school library is my "happy place"!    As a librarian, I try to model a love of literacy and life-long learning for everyone who enters the library. I believe that knowledge is limitless, and the library should be an encouraging place where students learn, collaborate, explore, create, and share. I believe that collaborating with staff to complement and support the curriculum will positively impact student achievement. I believe that partnering with parents to provide information, materials, and activities will enrich their children’s school experience and encourage them to be actively involved. I believe that involving the community to identify needs and set goals for the library will benefit all stakeholders. I believe that I need to be an advocate for knowledge and information and an active member of the greater library community.

Mrs. Rich  

librarian (n.)  keeper of books; giver of answers; original search engine; guardian of knowledge.  see also:  magical book recommender

Contact Information:

Cindy Rich

(817) 744-5622

Twitter:  @cwalkerrich

Library Hours:

Monday-Friday 7:25-3:10 

*Check out our Little Free Library!  

Click below.

2023-24  SGES Library Policies: 

Kindergarten:  May check out 1 book for the first 9-week period to learn responsibility and care for library books.  After that time, they may check out up to 3 books at a time.

First Grade: May check out up to 3 books at a time for the first 9-week period to learn responsibility and care for library books.  After that time, they may check out up to 5 books at a time.  

Second-Fourth Grade:  May check out up to 5 books at a time.  

All students will learn how to utilize Destiny (our library collection site) to view their accounts, access digital resources, and place books on hold.  

The SGES Library does not charge late fees, but if an item is lost or damaged, 

a fee may be assessed or families can replace the book with a comparable item. 

**Utilize open check out times to return or check out a new book as needed!**

Here are a few ways to access books from school or home!

Destiny Discover

Public Libraries

Keller Best Reads:


Go the Library Clubs page for more information.

Annual Scripps Spelling Bee:

Click the icon to learn more

What books would YOU like to see in the library?  

Click the picture on the left to suggest a book.  

Help me make our library collection even better!