Park Glen Elementary

Strong Start Parent Reference

Due to changes in local, state, and national guidance, items in this website may be updated as necessary.

Doors Open At 7:40 - Instruction Begins at 7:55 ~ Dismissal Begins at 3:20

(Clayton before and after school care available)

"Let's make the most of this beautiful day."

Hello Cheetahs!

Welcome students and families to the 2021-2022 school year! This online hand book outlines many of the processes, resource, and procedures you and your child will encounter throughout the year.

We are committed to keeping safety and academics our top priorities. Please support us in maintaining this goal by reviewing the information provided here, calling us with questions, and adhering to the procedures and safety measures in place.

Thank you for keeping us "cheetah" safe and keeping education at the forefront of what we do.

Marci Formby

Principal, Park Glen Elementary

PGE T: 817-744-5400