General FAQs:

How many students are at this school?  Staff members?

How do I talk to my counselor?

How do I talk to my assistant principal?

What is the difference between on-level and Honors courses?

What do I study?

What's the school's policy on cell phones?

What's the school's policy on ID badges?

What's the school's policy on dress code?

What's the school's policy on grades?

What if I need to leave early for an appointment or other reason?

How do I get involved and make friends?

Canvas FAQs:

Do all teachers use Canvas?

Where do I find absent work?

Where do I find teacher expectations and classroom policies?

Can I have an extra copy of the worksheet?

Where do I find things on Canvas?

Class Supplies FAQs:

What do I need for your class?

How can I get a textbook?

Can I borrow a pencil?

Grading FAQs:

Can I turn this in next class/tomorrow?

At the end of a marking period, can a student still turn in missing work for credit?  

Is this assignment for a grade?

When is the test/summative grade?

How can a failed summative grade be improved?

Can I retake a quiz or other formative assessment?

Why do grade checks occur at 6 weeks when the first grading period ends at 9 weeks?

Tutorial FAQs:

Can I attend tutorials? 

Do I have to see my own teacher for tutoring?

How do tutorials work?

Theatre FAQs:

Can Freshman be cast in productions their first year? 

Do you have to be in an auditioned theatre class to be in a production? 

Are we really going to have to memorize lines and perform in Theatre I? 

Can anyone in the school audition for productions and UIL One Act? 

Is this activity / project / performance for a grade? 

Technology Help.pdf
Student & Parent Login Info.pdf