Mr. Falcon

 "What to Expect"

On a week in and week out basis, the students will be reading independently from a self-selected book.  They will also be asked to keep track of their reading via notes, prompts and/or a skill we are working on in the current unit.  Additionally, we will resume working on writing conventions to improve writing skills; especially as we move into both a reading and writing unit.  We will further explore the importance of both responding to a prompt AND supporting responses with evidence from the text.  

We launch a new unit called, "Writing about reading."  The students will continue reading and practicing writing skills that reflect their knowledge on what they read and grow their writing capabilities.  The unit is set to end with them writing their own companion book over a topic/genre or book or series of books with a similar theme.  As mentioned above, this unit will continue to practice the skill of offering a response to what they read and supporting their thinking with evidence from the text.

Background and Education:

I grew up in this neighborhood and attended some of the same schools as your kids.  I began at Parkview Elementary, then went to Park Glen (when it 5th and 6th grade) and also attended Fossil Hill.  Interesting note:  I was here when Hill was the Braves and the only high school was Keller High School.

During my time at Hill, we learned that Ridge was to be built and we were now Panthers.  Ridge opened in 1996 and I graduated in the spring of 1999.

After Ridge, I spent 4.5 years at Texas A&M University and graduated Dec. 2003.  After, I spent 14 years in sales before making my transition to education.

I found my way back to my old “stomping grounds” as a kid, where looking back I would offer the following wisdom to my 7th grade self:

I’m thankful for my path, both the hard and easy as it forged the man I am today.  Additionally, it brought me my beautiful wife, son and daughter for whom I am better AND make me a better man, husband and father.

Lastly, I give all my thanks to God.  For with Him, nothing shall be impossible.

Contact Information

phone: 817-744-3145

Conference time:  Mon-Fri: 1:35 - 2:15 PM

After school: Mon-Fri: 4:00-4:30 PM