Trinity Meadows Counseling

TMI Counselor
Registration 2024-2025 parent meeting.pptm.pdf

6th Grade Course Selection Information

Registration will begin in February, 2024

As part of 6th grade registration you and your child will pick his or her math class for next year.  If you would like input on choosing a math class for your child, please let your math teacher or counselor know.

Trinity Meadows Intermediate: 5th to 6th Grade Registration Information

Course information:

o   6th graders take 4 core classes: Math, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies

o   6th grade students will have 2 math options: (please see the attached video that explains each of these courses)

o   Academic

o   Accelerated

o   6th graders will also have 2 electives per year. 

o   PE will be one of these electives and is a full year course.

o   The other elective will be either Band, Choir, Art, Drama, or Orchestra

o   6th grade is considered “Beginner Band,” so if your student is interested in participating in band or orchestra in Middle/High School, 6th grade is the time to start learning an instrument.

o   Students need to rank all electives according to preference 1-3 (1= first choice; 2= second choice, etc.).  Elective placement will depend on campus availability and scheduling.  If electives are not ranked, they will be ranked for you, as alternate choices are required. We will do our best to accommodate your student’s elective preferences, but 1st choices are not guaranteed.

6th Grade Registration form:

o   Counselors will meet with 5th grade students in February to discuss course options.  At this time students will complete a Google Form for this registration. Once they complete this form, an email will be sent for you to review. If after viewing these course selections, you would like to make changes you may do so by going back into the Google Form and resubmitting. We will use the last Google Form submitted as the student's course request. You may make changes through the Google Form until March 1.The Google Form can be found in your student's Google Classroom or the TMI counseling web page after counselors have gone into classrooms for registration.

o   Students/families may update their requests until April 19 in writing on an add/drop form. This form can be found on the TMI counseling website or in the front office. Phone or in person requests for course request changes will not be accepted.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Counseling Office at 817.744.4300.

24-25 TSMS 6th to 7th Grade Registration.pptx
TSMS Add Drop Form.pdf