Phonics Revision

Click on the sound you would like to practice!

Let's practice our phonics sounds!

00. Full Phonics Chart.mp4

01. t tt sound

01. 't' chant.mp4

02. b bb sound

02. 'b' chant.mp4

03. r rr sound

03. 'r' chant.mp4

04. a sound

04. 'a' chant.mp4

05. o sound

05. 'o' chant.mp4

06. m mm sound

06. 'm' chant.mp4

07. s ss c x sound

07. 's' chant.mp4

08. h sound

08. 'h' chant.mp4

09. e sound

09. Empty egg e e e.mp4

10. c k ck q x sound

10. Cats are kissing c c c.mp4

11. l ll sound

11. Licking lemons l l l.mp4

12. n nn kn sound

12. Number nine n n n.mp4

13. i sound

13. Ichy insect i i i.mp4

14. p pp sound

14. Pigs are pink p p p.mp4

15. j g sound

15. Giant jelly j j j.mp4

16. y sound

16. Yellow yoyo y y y.mp4

17. u sound

17. Umbrellas up u u u.mp4

18. u sound

18. Flying fish f f f.mp4

19. w wh u sound

19. Wash the windows w w w.mp4

20. v ve sound

20. Vincent's violin v v v.mp4

21. d dd sound

21. Dogs are dancing d d d.mp4

22. g gg sound

22. Girls are giggling g g g.mp4

23. z zz sound

23. Zebras in the zoo z z z.mp4

24. ch sound

24. 'ch' chant.mp4

25. sh sound

25. 'sh' chant.mp4

26. th (unvoiced) sound

26. 'th' unvoiced chant.mp4

27. th (voiced) sound

27. 'th' voiced chant.mp4

28. ng n sound

28. 'ng' chant.mp4

29. si s sound

29. 'si' chant.mp4

30. ee ea ey e y e_e sound

30. Long 'e' chant.mp4

31. ai ay a_e a sound

31. Long 'a' chant.mp4

32. igh i_e ie y i sound

32. Long 'i' chant.mp4

33. oa oe o_e ow o sound

33. Long 'o' chant.mp4

34. u_e ue ew u sound

34. Long 'u' chant.mp4

35. oo u (short) sound

35. short 'oo' chant.mp4

36. oo u (long) sound

36. long 'oo' chant.mp4

37. or ore aw au sound

37. 'or' chant.mp4

38. ou ow sound

38. 'ou' chant.mp4

39. oy oi sound

39. 'oy' chant.mp4

40. ar sound

ar chant.mp4

41. are air sound

air chant.mp4

42. ir er ur or sound

42. 'ir' chant.mp4

43. er ar or ou a e i o u sound

uh chant.mp4

44. ear eer sound

ear chant.mp4