Mr. Stahlheber's Classroom

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Welcome to an exciting year of growth, discovery, and learning in Kindergarten at NLES!  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you and your child as we embark on this wonderful journey together. My name is Mr. Stahlheber and I will be your child's teacher throughout this school year.

Kindergarten is a special time filled with exploration, creativity, and foundational learning that sets the stage for your child's academic and personal development. I am dedicated to creating a nurturing and engaging classroom environment where each child can flourish, learn, and develop a love for learning. I believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for your child's success, and I look forward to working closely with you to ensure that your child has a positive and enriching experience.

During the year, your child will be exposed to a wide range of activities and experiences designed to foster their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. We will focus on developing essential skills such as early literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Additionally, we will engage in hands-on activities, creative projects, and group interactions that will enhance your child's communication skills and promote teamwork.

I encourage open communication between us. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or insights to share about your child's progress or any other aspect of their kindergarten experience, please don't hesitate to reach out. I believe that by working together, we can provide the best possible support for your child's learning journey.

Throughout the school year, you can expect to receive regular updates about our classroom activities, events, and any important information through various channels such as emails, newsletters, and our ClassDojo.  If you haven't joined our ClassDojo yet, I highly encourage you to do so.  I also warmly invite you to attend parent-teacher conferences and school events, as these provide valuable opportunities for us to discuss your child's growth and development.

I am genuinely excited about the learning adventures that await us in Kindergarten. Let's work hand in hand to make this a memorable and productive year for your child. Thank you for entrusting me with your child's education, and I'm looking forward to building a strong partnership between home and school.

Warm regards,

Mr. Stahlheber