
Self Assessment Form

Excellent Good Average Needs work Unfinished

5 4 3 2 1

______1.Growth and Progress—How does this work compare to your previous work? Does it show more feeling, expression, emotion, thought and skill?

______2.Creativity---How original, innovative and daring is the work. Did you challenge yourself as an artist?

______3.Fulfills Assignment---How well does your artwork solve the challenge outlined in the assignment? Did you meet the objectives for the assignment?

______4.Composition and Design---Did you use the principles of design and composition to make the visual elements work well?

______5.Care and Effort---Did you rush to get it done or did you pay attention to high quality and craftsmanship?

______6.Work Habits----Did you stay on task? Did you use the art materials as they were intended to be used? Were your conversations with your classmates considerate? Did you talk about others artwork in a positive manner?

______7.Helpful---Were you cooperative and generous in discussions? Were you helpful to others? Did you ask good questions?