Welcome to Kearney High School's Data Profile! You are invited you to take a tour of this site to learn about our school. Kearney High School has over a 100 year history and in that time, we have produced exceptional students who are leaders in a variety of industries.

Kearney High School is a comprehensive high school that offers a robust curriculum and our goal is to prepare students for life readiness, post-secondary education, and careers.

An accurate description of who we are, as it relates to our core tenants, is listed below.

1). Social / Emotional Development:

Students will develop an awareness and understanding of personal, social and academic learning specific to developmental needs. The intention is for all students to attain the skills to be self-aware, self-manageable, be responsible decision makers, build relationship skills and be socially aware. All stakeholders will be safe, respectful and responsible.

2). College and Career Readiness:

At KHS, using NDE’s CTE model as our guide, we deliver targeted educational programming for all students.

3). Collaborative Teaching and Learning Communities:

Faculty develop and participate in a collaborative teaching community to improve instruction and student learning.

These three core tenants are supported in the KPS Strategic Plan, NDE Frameworks (accreditation) / AQuESTT (accountability) processes and in our Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS).