
Restorative Justice / Restorative Practices

Stephanie Autumn and Greg Brown discuss restorative practices from the indigenous and western lenses. During this discussion some of the topics included the foundations of restorative practices, the structural framework necessary to strategically plan, implement, and evaluate as well as successful applications of restorative practices in real life. 1

Restorative Language and Culture

Allison Meier, a Restorative Practices Coordinator, discusses the difference between punitive language and restorative language as well as the impact it has on the overall school's culture. Understanding the importance of restorative language enable administrators and educators alike to carefully consider the language they use and its impact. Strategies are given to promote the integration of restorative language to transform the culture of the school community. 2

Whole School Implementation

Allison Meier, a Restorative Practices Coordinator, discusses whole school implementation while addressing the larger systems and structures that are vital in the school to develop and support restorative practices. This discussion is centered around the School-Wide Restorative Practices: Step by Step, found below, which was created by the Restorative Justice Partnership and school-based practitioners housed in three Denver-based schools. Throughout the discussion, the key focus is not just how to implement these structures but how to do it with fidelity. 3

The Power of Listening Circles

Elizabeth Smull, IIRP Lecturer, Trisha Tinsley, founder of Citizen Coach, and Kevin Jones, founder of Pathways 2 Restorative Leadership, discuss the importance and applications of listening circles to cultivate empathy within communities. Utilizing listening circles gains a shared sense of understanding while fostering emotional connections. Listening circles can be used in a variety of setting to address topics ranging from systemic racism, traumatic events, sexual violence to even the impacts of the pandemic. 4

Fostering Equity in Schools Through Restorative Leadership

Dr. Joyce Mundy, Koury Cook, and Elizabeth Smull disclose their experiences in transforming school cultures. In their work, they have discovered that restorative practices are most impactful on students when school leaders grasp effective manners to engage teachers and staff. Engaging educators enacts and sustains real changes. 5

An Introduction to Trauma: Informed Restorative Practices

Joe Brummer discussed trauma-informed restorative practices. This discussion begins with a discussion of what is trauma, different types of traumas commonly observed in children, and how trauma may present itself differently contingent on the child. Based on developing this understanding of key concepts there is a discussion for how trauma-informed restorative practices are imperative to building a restorative culture within the school.

Aligning Trauma-Sensitive & Restorative Justice Practices

Lindsay Lee, Project Manager of the Restorative Justice Partnership, and Joe Waldon, Social Worker at Skinner Middle School, discuss the pervasiveness and impact of trauma in school settings. Understanding the impact of trauma in schools enables there to be a clear understanding of the alignment of goals between trauma-sensitive approaches and restorative practices. Restorative practices can be utilized to alleviate the impact of trauma responses for both students and educators alike.6

Aligning Trauma-Sensitive & Restorative Restorative Justice Practice in Special Education: Resolving Conflict and Promoting Equity for Students with Disabilities

John Inglish, Education Program Specialist for the Oregon Department of Education, discusses the implementation and application of restorative practices in public education, with an emphasis on promising initiatives around the nation. Specific attention is given to the use of restorative practices for students with disabilities and their families -- both as an alternative to exclusionary discipline, and as a tool for re-integration into the school setting.

Creative Restorative Practices in the Classroom

Rosie Arcona, Social Emotional Learning Training Specialist, Lisa Cofield, Coordinator/Principal of Buxmont Academy, and Kimberly Jones, English/ Language Arts Teacher Peoria Public Schools, discuss creative methods they have utilized to build and maintain a positive community throughout the school year. An emphasis is placed on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as strategies that can be used for students as they return to in-person schooling.

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1 National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College. (2017, November 15). Restorative Justice / Restorative Practices Webinar Series. https://ncjtc.fvtc.edu/training/details/TR00000617/TRI0005583/restorative-justice-restorative-practices-webinar-series#panelResources

2 Justice Partnership. (2018b, July 2). Restorative Language and Culture [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJpYcFftGe0&t=4458s

3 Restorative Justice Partnership. (2018a, July 2). Restorative Justice: Whole School Implementation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC-co07g3s4&t=5339s

4 IIRP Graduate School. (2020, October 29). The Power of Listening Circles [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTEe_-nlZGk

5 IIRP Graduate School. (2018, February 27). Fostering equity in schools through restorative leadership [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xNeUDsHYLs

6 Maryland Carey Law. (2020, December 1). An Introduction to Trauma: Informed Restorative Practices with Joe Brummer [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YpoiBAm2Go

7 Restorative Justice Partnership. (2019, February 13). Webinar recording Restorative Justice Implementation Aligning Trauma Sensitive and Restorative Jus [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJAi_YgqYvs

8 The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education [CADREworks]. (2014, November 12). CADRE Webinar ~ Restorative Justice Practice in Special Education [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dj6b3ujGI0

9 IIRP [IIRP Graduate School]. (2021, October 1). Creative Restorative Practices in the Classroom [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVN4txUd8RQ&t=1245s