Experiential Learning

Utilizing English

“Kang Chiao Brings Me the World” and through our very carefully designed English Village, we truly bring the world to the students! In English Village, students are immersed in real-life situations. They can associate with the specific language usage needed to deal with situations through role play at the shop, restaurant, hospital, airport, post office, hotel, bank and so on. Students have so much fun! In order to make English learning closer to our lives, students learn through authentic, theme based, integrative, and cross curricula learning in English Village. “Experiential Learning Utilizing English” is our purpose.

康橋幫孩子開啟一扇「迎向世界之窗」。透過老師們精心規劃的英語村課程,提供孩子不一樣的英語學習體驗,培養孩子的英語應用能力。孩子們在情境中學習不同的角色對話,例如: 商店購物、餐廳點餐、醫院看診、機場報到、播報新聞、銀行領錢、旅館預定...等等,享受英語村課程的樂趣!學生透過實境式、主題式、整合性及跨領域學習,讓英語學習更貼近我們的生活。「體驗學習、活用英語」就是我們的宗旨!

Our English Village

Activity Photos

English Village Activity 英語村活動

