
Kangi Chiao International School - Xiugang Campus is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and a registered member of the East Asian Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS).

Kang Chiao International School-Xiugang Campus began the WASC accreditation journey in October 2013 and received an interim “initial” accreditation through June 2017. A WASC team headed by Dr. Dale Mitchell conducted an on-site visit in March 2017. After the satisfactory completion of the visit, KCIS received a 6-year accreditation status, with a mid-cycle progress visit, through June 2023.

KCIS has been proactive in implementing and refining its schoolwide action plans, demonstrating its commitment to providing students with an excellent learning environment.

As a WASC-accredited school, KCIS’s primary goal is to ensure successful learning while maintaining a clear purpose focused on schoolwide learner outcomes. The accreditation process is integral to our school’s ongoing cycle of assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, reassessment, and self-reflection based on our students’ achievement.

In Spring 2024, the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) announced that Kang Chiao International School (7-12) meets the ACS WASC criteria for accreditation. This decision is based on all the information provided by the school, including the school's report and the satisfactory completion of the accreditation visit. The Commission granted KCIS a six-year accreditation status through June 30, 2030, with a mid-cycle visit during the 2026-2027 school year.

Update: Full Visit (March 10-14, 2024)

The full visit together with the IB team was conducted  last March 10-14, 2024. The WASC Visiting team was headed by Mr. Ben Hart, Associate Head of School of Hong Kong International School.

Schoolwide Areas of Strength

Areas of strength within each category, as identified during the visiting committee visit are as follows:

Category A: Organization for Student learning

Category B: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Category C: Support for Student Social-Emotional and Academic Growth

Category D: School Culture, Child Protection, and Parent/Community Involvement

Category E: Residential Life

Schoolwide Growth Areas for Continuous Improvement

The visiting committee concurs with the school’s identified areas of continued focus, outlined in the draft 2024-2028 schoolwide action plan. The recommendations for continuous growth identified by the VC have been aligned to the correlating schoolwide goals outlined in the school’s 2024-2028 action plan and summarized below:

Why Accreditation?


The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC), is a world renowned  international accrediting association and one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. Department of State. ACS WASC provides assistance to schools worldwide, primarily in California, Hawaii, Guam, Asia, the Pacific Region, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

ACS WASC advances and validates quality ongoing school improvement by supporting its member institutions to engage in a rigorous and relevant self-evaluation. Through their evaluation process, the accreditation assures the educational community, the general public, and other organizations and institutions that the school has clear and well-defined goals for successful student learning and has established conditions under which the goals’ achievement can be expected.

The accreditation process is all about fostering excellence in education programs and helping schools meaningfully create the highest quality learning experience they can envision for all students. 

It involves a thorough self-study and external examination of established criteria (set forth by WASC's accrediting commission) through the creation and review of appropriate reports and collection of evidence. These criteria include:


Kang Chiao International School-Xiugang Campus is a member of the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS). EARCOS is an organization of 194 member schools in East Asia. 

The aims of EARCOS are: