Why, oh why?

There are TONS of excellent maps of the Old world, and yet none that fit my rather complex requirements - it needed to:

So, I set out and made it. 

Do you offer a printed version?

Right now I don't, but:

How large should I print this?

It's a tough question, as I have never printed it myself, but if my calculations are correct, the smallest size that will allow you to read village labels should be around 2 meters wide, with the corresponding height.

But that's too large! Can I just print out a part of it?

Yes, for your personal use you may print out any part you prefer.

But then please note you may not redistribute the cropped version in any way, as it would constitute a derivative work, which is prohibited by the license (see FAQs below).

What is "a complete redraw"?

A "Complete redraw" means using one or more maps to create a totally different one, where no single copy-paste, modification, stitching or deformation is performed on the original image. It means not using any part of the original image except its meaning.

Therefore, while in strict legal terms this map can be classified as a derivative work of the sources (much as a mashup of existing songs), I can assert that it does not contain anything coming from any other source: every single pixel for this map was created from scratch. You could call it a "medley cover", I guess.

Is Johann Van Muzz your real name?

No, it's a pseudonym. 

It's the name of an explorer character I played around 1996 or so. Johann Van Muzz was born in Marienburg, so he had a vaguely Dutch name, which I combined with a surname coined from a word coming from the Sicilian dialect: "a muzzo" meaning more or less "at random". 

How much time did it take to make the map?

I estimate between 80 and 120 hours. It's difficult to say because I worked a few hours per day for about 4 months.

What sources did you use?

What software did you use?

Wonderdraft, by Megasploot (https://www.wonderdraft.net/), which I recommend heartily

What wonderdraft assets did you use?

After much deliberation, I mostly made my own, together with my father, a retired architect. They are currently not available for your use, sorry. 

I also used lapis pack 1 and 2 trees and mountains.

Can you clarify the license? What can I / cannot I do with this map once I have downloaded it?

First, things you can do:

Now, things that you cannot do:

And then, "grey areas":

Why so strict and prohibit changes (i.e. derivative work)?

Because it's the only way to convince people who want to contribute to its maintenance do so as an organized group. 

If you want changes and you're ready to work for that, I would like you to join forces and do that together. Nothing more and nothing less.  

How do I credit the map if I redistribute it?

The correct way is 

Map by Joahann Van Muzz (https://sites.google.com/kazzeggio.com/wfrp) version 2.0, May 2023 - CC-ND-NC-BY

Aaargh! I just discovered I violated the terms of the license!

I am sure we can arrange something. 

For more bout this stance, please read this: https://creativecommons.org/license-enforcement/enforcement-principles/

But... but... that's a lovely font!

...and it's not caslon! In fact, "The Fell Types are digitally reproduced by Igino Marini. www.iginomarini.com" (and I think are the most warhammer-ish fonts you can possibly find)