
List of courses I have taken during my studies:

University Abbreviations:

KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.

AUB: American Univeristy of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.

HU: Haiagzaian Univeristy, Beirut, Lebanon.

LIU: Lebanese International University, Bekaa, Lebanon.

Statistics Courses

  1. STAT 360: Functional Data Analysis, Statistics, KAUST.

  2. STAT 340: Computational Statistics, Statistics, KAUST.

  3. STAT 250: Probability & Random Processes, Statistics, KAUST.

  4. STAT 240: Bayesian Statistics, Statistics, KAUST.

  5. STAT 230: Linear Models, Statistics, KAUST.

  6. STAT 220: Probability & Statistics, Statistics, KAUST.

  7. EPHD 312: Analysis of Continuous Data, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, AUB.

Computer Science Courses

  1. CS 207: Programming Methdology & Abstarctions, Computer Science, KAUST.

  2. CSC 282: Artifical Intelligince, Computer Science, HU.

  3. CSC 289: GIS for Computer Science, Computer Science, HU.

  4. CSC 281: Theory of Computation, Computer Science, HU.

  5. CSC 270: Discrete Structure, Computer Science, HU.

  6. CSC 266: Professional & Social Issues, Computer Science, HU.

  7. CSC 256: Data Base Systems, Computer Science, HU.

  8. CSC 239: Concepts of Programming Languages, Computer Science, HU.

  9. CSC 236: Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Science, HU.

  10. CSC 204: Advanced Computer Programming, Computer Science, HU.

  11. CSC 202: Computer Programming, Computer Science, HU.

Mathematics Courses

  1. AMCS 211: Numerical Optimization, Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, KAUST.

  2. MAT 351: Discrete Models & Differential Equations, Mathematics - AUB.

  3. MAT 350: Optimization & Nonlinear Problems, Mathematics - AUB.

  4. MAT 251: Numerical Analysis, Mathematics, HU.

  5. MAT 241: Abstract Algebra, Mathematics, HU.

  6. MAT 233: Probability & Statistics for Science, Mathematics, HU.

  7. MAT 227: Introduction to Complex Variables, Mathematics, HU.

  8. MAT 219: Linear Algebra I, Mathematics, HU.

  9. MAT 214: Topology, Mathematics, HU.

  10. MAT 213: Geometry, Mathematics, HU.

  11. MAT 202: Differential Equations, Mathematics, HU.

  12. MAT 201: Calculus & Analytic Geometry, Mathematics, HU.

Engineering Courses

  1. EECE 663: Pattern Recognition, Electrical and Computer Engineering - AUB.

  2. EECE 633: Data Mining, Electrical and Computer Engineering - AUB.

  3. ENGM 604: Deterministic Optimization by Prof. Hussien Tarhini, Engineering Management - AUB.

  4. ENGM 623: Stochastic Processes, Engineering Management - AUB.

Education Courses

  1. Classroom Dynamics, Education, LIU.

  2. Philosophy of Eduaction, Education, LIU.

  3. Advanced Methods of Teaching Math & Science, Education, LIU.

  4. Curriculum Design & Evaluation, Education, LIU.

  5. Introduction to Education, Education, HU

Elective Courses

  1. Geology, HU.

  2. Introduction to Psychology, HU.

  3. Introduction to Ethics, HU.

  4. History of Arab Civilization , HU.

Auditing Courses

  1. CS 320: Probabilistic Graphical Models, Computer Science, KAUST.

  2. Spatial Statistics, Statistics, KAUST.