Helpful Links

Links - If you happen to find yourself surfing the web, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, ect., you will likley come across a ton of fun ideas to do with your child(ren) while at home. I, as well, enjoy seeing what is out there and want to share the ones I find helpful. This is only meant to be yet another resource for you and perhaps an easier spot to locate things. I am striving to be a one-stop-shop for all of you that may need/want it. Use if you wish...not required at all.

Click on the book you would like to listen to!

Copy of Fly Guy Library - Menjivar.pdf
Copy of Pete the Cat Library - Menjivar.pdf
Copy of Clifford Library.pdf
Copy of Pinkalicious Library - Menjivar.pdf

Explore Alaska!

Little Foxplorers Adventure Camp

Explore Peru!

Litte Foxplorers Adventure Camp

Explore Brazil!

Little Foxplorers Adventure Camp

April is Autism

Awareness Month

  • San Diego Zoo - Enjoy watching a variety of animals via live cameras