

Need to know...

It is that time of the year again! The Kids Heart Challenge (formally Jump Rope for Heart) is underway. Attached is information on fundraising for the American Heart Association. If you and your child choose to raise money, we ask that you donate online (no checks or cash please) by March 1st. The Kids Heart Challenge event will take place the week of February 22nd during your child's physical education time. Students will learn about heart health while being physically active. Please have your child dress in comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle that week. Thank you for your support!

Brooke Wells & Evan Guell

Tanner Physical Education Teachers

KHC Virtual Online Only Parent Letter.pdf
daily-health-screening (1).pdf
Re-Opening At a Glance

Please click here to add any questions you may have to a running FAQ being created by the district. Thank you!

*5K & 1st Grade First day of School -

September 1, 2020*

*4K First day of School - September 3, 2020*

2020-2021 School Supply List

Tanner Supply List 20-21 (1).pdf