Project Preparation

This unit is all about exploring what interests you! You will spend time learning about the cultures of the ancient Inca, Mayan, and Aztec peoples. All existed in the western hemisphere at the same time that the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Persia, Greece, and Rome were developing and exchanging ideas and trading with each other. Because of their isolation from the eastern hemisphere, the cultures developed very independently and were very unique; unlike anything we have talked about this semester.

As this is the last unit for the semester, the activities that we do will be centered around the connections between the other cultures we have learned about.

We will be watching three separate videos about each of the Ancient American cultures - we will spend one day on each of them. We will begin with the Maya as they developed first, then move on to the Aztecs, and conclude with the Incas. Each day will begin with a textbook reading of the basic information and then move on to the video. While watching the video, the essential question you will be answering is:

What similarities exist between (Ancient American culture) and the other cultures that we have learned about this semester?

Additionally, while reading and watching the materials, you will be adding to the list of wonders that you have. What do you want to learn more about? Your wonder will be your project focus, so this is the time to be formulating ideas for your final project.