Gifted & Talented Screening

Hello and thank you for your interest in Katy ISD's Elementary Gifted and Talented program, Challenge! Each year, Katy ISD opens grade level windows and timelines of screening (testing) for students to enter the Challenge program. 

New this year ----> WE ARE ONLINE and PAPERLESS! No paper parent checklists will be accepted. 

Want your child to test? Click on the appropriate link to submit a parent checklist.

Kindergarten Parent Checklist (due 9/21 - SUBMISSION WINDOW NOW CLOSED)

1st-4th grade Parent Checklist (due 10/27 -SUBMISSION WINDOW NOW CLOSED)

5th grade Secondary Parent Checklist (due 9/13 - SUBMISSION WINDOW NOW CLOSED)

New this year ----> You can also find parent checklist through the new GT/AA tile on MyKaty Cloud!

GT Info Flyer 23-24.pdf