START HERE - Below, you will find a meal plan, your calorie deficit, recipes + more.   Join my FREE Community for Accountability.  If you want more help from me, then meet me in the 1stPhorm app, where I can see how you eat. The App is $12.99 a month / $129 a year. Everything I use myself, I share with you below. The App & supplements are NOT required to lose weight but are helpful. My website -


I understand that supplements can be costly, and you may only be able to afford a few. I've sorted them in order of importance for your benefit, allowing you to select the most suitable ones from the top of the list.

I start with 1 scoop every morning & 2nd scoop pm

 Make Coffee

Recipe:  1 scoop of collagen to replace the creamer and 1/2 scoop protein. 

Put this into protein shake. These are none negotiable if you don't eat 30 different vegetables per week.

1/2 scoop coffee, 1/2 scoop overnight oats. 1 scoop -  3 pm shake +  greens /reds



CORTISOL @bedtime






Find your calories

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

click to download app for tracking, add  karinarabinfit as your advisor

 Which Supplement is best to start with on a budget?

Start with protein because most women do not eat enough protein. For optimal results, a human body must receive half your body weight of protein per day. For example, if you're 150 pounds, you must consume 75 grams of protein daily to maintain your current muscle mass.  The more muscle a human has, the more fat the human body will burn.  This is WHY men lose weight faster than women.  Muscle Mass!

Having more muscle mass means you burn more calories at the same body weight than if you had less muscle mass.  We start to lose muscle mass at age 27 and begin to gain fat. 

If you're between 115-150 approximately.  Skinny fat is when your body if NOT overweight but UNDER MUSCLED.  It requires to LIFT WEIGHTS in order for the body to burn fat. CLICK HERE to read more.


60-days with Helent


Genevieve 60-days


Jaclyn 80-days

NYC Journal names Karina Rabin top coach of 2021

Oxygen Fitness Magazine shares Karina Rabin Story

Watch to get started

HORMONES HELP and are a MUST for Women Over 40.  Click on each image to learn more.  Harmony will help with energy and mood. Adrenal will help with the proper balance of these hormones which is essential to keeping our bodies functioning effectively. However, physical things like too much training, and mental things like nerves, general stress, chronic anxiety, and other external stressors can cause adrenal function to become impaired.