1. Maxwell's Equations


For B.Sc. Physics Honours students of 6th semester

List of Contents

Lecture Plan

Daily Class Notes

Study Materials

HCC-13_Part-1 Maxwell Equations.pdf

Problem Sets

Solved Problems

Video Lectures

1. Electrodynamics Before Maxwell, Electric Current and Continuity Equation

2. Inconsistency in the Equations, Maxwell's Correction Displacement Current and Maxwell's Equations

3. Similarity between E and B Fields, Maxwells Equations in Matter and Decay of Free Charges

4. EM Energy, Poynting's Theorem, Differential Form of Poynting's Theorem Poynting's Vector 

5. Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields 

6. Scalar and Vector Potential, Gauge Transformation, Coulomb Gauge and Lotentz Gauge