Consulting Services

KANTENNAS offers a range of consulting service to you. Our team of experts based locally and around the globe have vast wealth of experience in their specialty.

Antenna Design

We are able to custom design your antenna requirements for the commercial or the defense sector. The service we provide includes concept design, proof of concept, prototyping, product validation, testing, NPI and production.

Filter Design

Whether it's a cavity, strip-line or PCB designed filter, our team of engineers can provide you a cost effective solution to meet your everchanging requirement.


Tell us your requirement, let us do the rest. Our team are based around the world to help you find your ideal supplier that can meet your quality standard and cost. We can guarantee you will achieve savings using our service.

Injection Molding/Sheet Metal

We provide fast turnaround time for injection molding and stamping for your plastic or metal requirement. If your current quotation is too high, get one from us for comparison to give you a peace of mind.

EMS/Contract Manufacturing

Why build a factory when there are so much overheads and huge amount of capital expenditure when you can simply get someone to assemble your product, test, qualify and ship for you at a fraction of the overall cost. Money better spend developing new products to grow your business!


Are you looking to raise capital for your company? Are you looking for M&A? Looking for direction and growth area for your company? Speak to us, our team can review your current status and make recommendations based on our experience.