Relevant Topics

Instructional Leadership

"Instructional leadership is when those in a leadership position focus their efforts on the implementation of practices that will positively impact student learning."

Peter DeWitt, 2019

KansasMTSS Educational Resource and Initiative Inventory (KERII)

The Kansas MTSS Educational Resource and Initiative Inventory, or KERII, is a survey designed to determine what is taking place within a district in order to identify potential strengths as well as inefficiencies.

Inquiry Cycle

"If school staff can approach student academic growth as short cycles of improvement, then high-yield instructional practices will emerge by engaging in three to six week cycles of collaborative inquiry for continuous improvement."

Jay Westover, 2020

Collective Efficacy

Collective efficacy is "a group's shared belief in its conjoint capability to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given levels of attainment" (Bandura, 1997) and can be applied to the efficacy of students, teachers, and leaders.


Fidelity, when used correctly, encourages shared leadership among educators without the threat of punitive action. This is a way to achieve group accountability while ensuring that programs or strategies are implemented as intended by the author.

Stakeholder Engagement

"While involving parents in school activities may have an important community and social function, the key to facilitating positive change in a child's academic attainment is the engagement of parents in learning outcomes in the home."

Emerson, Fear, Fox, and Sanders, 2012