Importance of Organizational Skills in Children

Entering into the room of a child who hasn’t yet developed organisational skills, can be a frightening experience: crumpled sheets, torn papers, wrappers, books, random toys, and objects lying around—it’s a mess! We label them ‘unorganized,’ overlooking the fact that it’s difficult for kids to implement multi-layered instructions and ideas, as mental sifting, sorting, and processing is a challenge due to haphazard thoughts. 

How Organizational Skills Affect Learning Abilities In Children?

Planning and organization don’t necessarily mean developing a structured and consistent approach to tasks- there’s more to it!

Developing organizational skills is extremely crucial for kids who can’t sift and sort objects, have a short attention span, or are struggling with language challenges. 

Involving kids in specific daily activities enables them to develop self, physical, and mental organizational skills, which improve with regular practice and ultimately boost their learning capacity. 

Organised children are quick at mental processing.

They meet deadlines, accomplish goals and set priorities for themselves.

Physical organisation saves times and improves efficiency.

Kids With Strong Organisational Skills Effectively Follow Directions.

The organization isn’t a skill meant for just grownups! Even our kids need to develop it, not just for academic success but for life. When kids grow up with good organizational skills, they can easily overcome specific learning challenges and get better in terms of reception, delivery, perception, introspection, etc. All these factors contribute to their personal and professional growth. 

Thank you, 

Raminder Kaur

Coordinator-Early Years, 

Kanakia Kids Global.

“Good chemistry” makes teams less effective

“Hathi Ghodha Palki, Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki”

Janmashtami is a vibrant and joyful festival marking the birth of Lord Krishna, who is known as a divine figure known for his wisdom, love, and playfulness. Our RBK Global School celebrated Janmashtami, also known as Gokul Ashtami, with great joy and enthusiasm, where the learners came to school dressed as little Radhas and Krishnas, adorned in colourful traditional outfits. Our little ones were taken to the school ground where the Dahi handi event was organized. Our Secondary and Primary section learners made a pyramid and broke the matki. On the ground, Krishna songs were played for the children, encouraging them to move and express themselves through dance, just like little Krishna. The Janmashtami festival teaches our children teamwork and cooperation.

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Teachers work more than 400 hours of overtime every year.

"Teacher, the second mother in school."

Teachers' Day is a day of joy, appreciation, and celebration. It is a special occasion when young children express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers who play a vital role in their early education and development.

In loving memory of Dr. Radhakrishnan, our Kanakia Kids learners gifted handmade cards, flowers, and chocolates to their teachers. Teachers were delighted to see such a beautiful gesture from the little ones. 

Teachers day- Sanmay -K1-Ekam.mp4

Learning Engagements@ Nursery

Blue is rarely seen in natural foods

Blue colour

Learners of Nursery explored Blue color by observing different objects like balloon, ball, dolphin, sky and many more with  singing a  song. They also coloured the ball with blue crayon.

Did you know?

World’s tallest book is over 6 feet.

Picture reading

Reading  picture book helps the  children to understand what they are reading, allowing new readers to analyze the story. 

Nursery  learners  started reading the story book by seeing  the pictures and repeated the letter name with picture and  phonic sound. They were very curious to hold their own book and see the pictures

Music is good for your plants too.

Instrument sounds!

MUSIC! The universal language makes learning easier. Musical instruments help to develop vital skills. Listening to and creating music helps children learn numeracy, literacy and emotional skills. 

In this session, learners had to identify the musical instruments just by their sounds. They had no sight of the instrument, which made the learners listen and think about what the musical instrument could be. They enjoyed the activity thoroughly and could guess the instruments correctly most of the time, thus strengthening the listening skills.

Learning Engagements@K1

You can’t say the letter M without your lips touching. 


Mmmmmm.... This is my letter Mm

K1 Learners brought the cut outs of different pictures related to letter Mm from magazine, newspaper or picture book. Learners practiced the sound of letter 'Mm' through the Picture sticking activity. They stuck the pictures in the scrapbook by saying its sound like mmm monkey, mmm moon, mmm mango, mmm man and so on. Few learners were also sharing their pictures with their peers with a thought of 'Sharing is Caring'. 

K1 Learners enjoyed the picture sticking activity.


In a community 

We stay together 

Help each other

They are none other than our community helpers, who looks after our health and overall well-being.

Learners of K1 learned about different community helpers like doctor, nurse, electrician, fire fighter, baker, policeman with their occupation and workplace.

After knowing the community helpers learners were very curious to do the matching tools activity. Teacher arranged the community helpers flash card in a row and gave a small basket, where there were different tools cut out . Learners were identified the tools and matched the tools with their community helpers. They were excited while doing this group activity. Even  some learners were explaining the uses of the tools to their peers. 

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system – so big that it would fit every other planet inside it twice!



The Solar System is made up of the Sun and eight planets. The best way to introduce the solar system to our little learners is by a diorama.

Learners of K1 learned that everything in the Solar System revolves around the Sun and Sun is a star ( a massive ball of hot gas that gives off light and heat). There are eight planets that orbit around the Sun and facts related to different planets that make them unique.

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K1-Ekam- Aashvi-Stream.mp4

Learning engagements@ K2

The largest 3D shape in the world is a Rhombicosidodecahedron. It is an Archimedian solid. 

Build your own shape

There are so many shapes in this world. In this activity, the learners worked in a group to make a 3D shape with the stick and the clay. They joined the sticks with the help of clay and tried to make a cube where they could see 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. They also made a 2D shape i.e. square with the help of ice cream sticks. In this shape, they made square objects like chessboards, carom boards, clocks, etc. With these fun and hands-on learning activities, the learners were able to learn about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.

A competition was held to design the rupee symbol.

Let's go for shopping

A cashier is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. To make this more interesting the teacher made the learners to do a role play, where one child was a cashier and the others became the customers. One shop was created where all the stationery items were placed and the learners were given some cash. They engaged in a role-play where they acted as cashier and customers in a shopping mall. This activity helps in many ways like development of language and communication skills, knowing the price of different goods, concept of money is introduced, cognitive development and much more.

Marigolds need full sun all day to provide blooms all season long.

Let's grow Marigold

Horticulture is the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers. Marigold are not only beautiful with their bright orange and yellow petals but they also help keep bad bugs away from our other plants and they are easy to grow. 

It was a fun gardening activity with K2 learners. First, the learners filled pot with soil. Then they placed marigold seeds inside the hole created by them and covered up the pot with soil. Then the learners poured some water to give seeds a gentle drink after which they kept the pot in a sunny spot. It's best way to learn about nature and see how tiny seeds can turn into a beautiful plant. 

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It's My Birthday!

A birthday brings you endless joy and tons of precious memories!

The birthdays of our little learners Devansh Pradhan, Shagun Bajala and Aariz Khan were celebrated with great enthusiasm along with all their friends in the class. Learners wished the birthday stars, sang the birthday song, and had lots of fun with each other.