Kinesthetic skills for learners

Kinesthetic learners are describes the type of learning that emphasizes physical activity and hands-on experiences as the primary means of learning and understanding new information. For kinesthetic learners, simply reading or listening to information may not be enough to fully comprehend or retain it. Instead, they must engage in hands-on experiences. Kinesthetic learners learn through real-life experiences and physical activity. They tend to learn best by doing, touching, and manipulating objects.

Kinesthetic learners enjoy acting out scenarios, which helps them better understand the material and apply it to real-world situations. Kinesthetic learning takes place in normal daily life too. For instance, imagine wanting to learn how to ride a bike. No amount of instructions will help as much as getting on the bike, falling a few times, and learning how to maneuver the whole process.

Kinesthetic learning has the advantage of letting children gain self-knowledge by letting them learn at their own comfort level, confidence level and with their own creative potentials. With this style of learning, children are also engaged in positive social interaction, develop problem-solving skills and can apply creativity through self-expression. In conclusion, by actively engaging the body in the learning process, we can enhance memory formation and retention.

Swapnali Medhekar

Center Head

Kanakia Kids



Pre-reading skills like phonemic awareness can be developed by teaching the sounds of the alphabets in nursery. It lays the foundation for understanding how letters represent sounds in words, which is essential for early reading and language development.

This week, the introduction of letter x was done with its phonic sound and related objects. The learners had a great time creating the letter 'X' using ice cream sticks." To enhance their understanding, the learners completed a worksheet focused on the letter 'X'.


The concept of color is a source of excitement for learners. Since If we look around us, we will find many things that are naturally white. The teacher introduced the white color by showing white color concrete objects, which helped the learners to identify and name the associated objects related to white color. A recap session for the topic was later held, during which learners were responsible for observing the white things they saw around them and identifying them.  The teacher also introduced purple color by showing them that when we mix red and blue color, we get the magic color purple. Later the teacher asked the learners to do a color mixing activity and get the magical color purple h The session was very interactive, and the kids had fun while doing the activity.


Learners gain a better understanding of how goods and people move across bodies of water through water transport education. The teacher took a recapitulation session based on "Waterways" with a sorting activity, where the learners had to identify, name and sort the vehicles that were related to waterways.



Learners were introduced to blends through an activity that improved their oral communication skills and helped them enunciate sentences more precisely. They also introduced the letter "Qq" using objects that were displayed on the screen. In order to enhance comprehension, a center table exercise was carried out where students were given popsicles containing letters and were required to connect the popsicles to create the word. The exercise was enjoyable for the students. Along with helping kids recognize and learn new words, this practice also helps them spell words correctly. In order to improve vocabulary, learners completed a vowel recap using a learning activity in which they had to circle and write the vowels.


Learning patterns in kindergarten is crucial as it fosters cognitive development, enhances problem-solving skills, and lays the foundation for mathematical concepts. Recognizing and creating patterns also promotes critical thinking and helps children make connections in various areas of learning.


Teaching kindergarten children about railways can help develop various skills. It promotes spatial awareness through discussions about tracks and trains, enhances vocabulary as they learn new terms, and encourages teamwork through imaginative play. Additionally, it introduces them to different modes of transportation, fostering a broader understanding of the world around them.



Blends play a vital role in preschool education as they help develop phonetic awareness, improving children's ability to identify and manipulate sounds in words. It helps kids understand word structures and lays a strong foundation for literacy. A recap session of blends was conducted wherein learners read the words ending with "ck",  "lk" and "ft".

Introduction of Jumbled Sentences was done where learners tried to rearrange words to form a meaningful sentence. Jumbled sentences are valuable in English language learning as they require students to comprehend sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary. 

Introduction of the One and Many was done along with a drawing in the scrapbook. This early exposure helps them grasp the idea of singular and plural, developing a foundational understanding of numbers and sets.


Mathematics is a great way to develop mental discipline and encourage logical reasoning and mental rigor in learners. Furthermore, mathematical knowledge is crucial in comprehending the content of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art.  The math session had   started with an introduction of colors with the help of few activities to make the learners to understand the importance of colors in our life   and  explained   the concept of big bigger the biggest by showing concrete examples and flashcards. Numerals 1-90 were written by learners in their math notebook, and they also counted numbers 50–1 backwards. Through activities and elaboration on symbols, sums, and rules, the teacher introduced the topic 'Subtraction' and helped learners understand it. The rules and symbols of subtraction were understood by the learners, and they finished their classwork.


Communication is a vital component of social life. Every human activity necessitates communication, which serves as the basis for interaction.

The teacher explains how to communicate through verbal (spoken) communication, nonverbal (gesture), written communication, and digital communication (through phones and computers). 

The concept of communication was made clearer by a worksheet that identified the type of communication used by learners. The learners had a great time playing a Chinese whisper game.


Zumba is a perfect blend of fun and exercise for kids,designed to keep them active and healthy. With upbeat music, easy-to-follow moves, and a friendly atmosphere, your little ones grooving and having a blast while improving their coordination and fitness levels.

This week zumba warmup song followed by Zumba spread love song with the break down method and Zumba fun activities for the learner’s


Topic - Pruning leaves

To grow big and healthy, plants require some care, just like we do for ourselves. At times, plants have an excess of leaves, and by cutting them down a bit, we can aid in the plant's growth.

Learners were explained what is the meaning of pruning leaves and why is it important to take care of the plants.

Pruning is similar to giving plants a gentle trim. We meticulously remove some of their leaves or branches to enhance the plant's strength and health.

"Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best."