Turn Daily Routines into Reading Moments

Parents hear all the time that it’s important to read to kids. But why exactly is that? The benefits of reading together go far beyond learning to read. Reading to young children is an important way to help them build language skills. It exposes them to new words and ways of using language. It also helps them learn general information about the world, which makes it easier for them to learn about new subjects once they get to school. Books also help children build empathy and learn how to handle challenging feelings. Parents can use reading time as a chance to talk about emotions and how to cope with them. Even a few minutes of reading together gives you and your child a chance to slow down and connect with each other. The sensory experience of sitting with you and hearing your voice also engages their brain in a way that makes learning easier. t’s undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in school, work, and life in general. And it is very possible to help ensure your child’s success by reading to them starting at a very early age. Reading to young children is proven to improve cognitive skills and help along the process of cognitive development. Cognitive development is the emergence of the ability to think and understand; it’s “the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood”

The most important thing to remember is that reading should be an enjoyable experience. When reading is an enjoyable part of everyday life, children will develop positive attitudes about reading. 

Swapnali Medhekar

Center Head

Kanakia Kids



A language learning or early education activity was conducted where learners were introduced to the letter "j" and its associated phonic sound, engaging in a colouring activity with a picture of jelly. Additionally, there was a recapitulation activity for the letter "b" involving tracing. Activities like these are common in early childhood education which reinforces letter recognition, phonics, and fine motor skills. Incorporating hands-on activities like colouring and tracing helped reinforce the learning experience and make it more engaging for the learners. 


Introducing shapes through a hands-on and visual approach is an effective way to engage young learners in math. Describing the characteristics of the star shape, such as the number of sides, helped students understand the defining features of the shape. Learners were asked to identify and colour the star shapes in a worksheet book which was a practical application of their newly acquired knowledge. This activity not only reinforced the concept of the star shape but also provided an opportunity for students to practice visual discrimination skills.

Explaining the colour brown through flashcards helped associate the visual representation with the concept, and using concrete objects further reinforces understanding. The activity of circling objects that are brown in the worksheet book was a great way to assess and apply the knowledge gained. It encouraged observational skills and reinforced the connection between the colour brown and real-world objects.


A comprehensive and engaging theme session focused on emergency vehicles was conducted during the theme session. Using flashcards the teacher introduced and reinforced the concept of emergency vehicles. The teacher's approach of asking questions and encouraging learners to actively participate in naming and recognizing the vehicles enhanced their understanding and retention.

Recapping the lesson through questioning was a valuable strategy. By asking questions like the names of the emergency vehicles and how many there are, the teacher prompted recall and reinforced the information. This kind of interactive approach helped solidify the knowledge and ensured that learners are actively engaged in the learning process.


The session began with the introduction of the letters /b/ and /z/ along with their respective phonetic sounds. The use of associated pictures was a great strategy to make the learning experience more visual and memorable for the learners. Connecting letters to concrete examples through images helped reinforce the letter-sound association. The recap activity involving forming the letter "z" using different manipulatives added a kinesthetic and hands-on element to the learning process. Teaching learners to write the letters in their notebooks was a practical application of the knowledge gained. 


This week during the Math session teacher drilled backward numbers 20-1 along with rhythmic exercises and the learners wrote the numerals 20-1 in the square line sheet 


The teacher introduced the topic 'Roadways' along with flashcards and audio-visual clips. For better understanding learners did a worksheet where they were asked to match the vehicles to the correct mode of transport and tick the modern means of road transport. A recapitulation activity of drawing any two means of transport in the scrapbook was also done. 



The introduction of articles A, An, was done with the help of pictures and concrete objects. For better understanding learners did an assignment in the worksheet book. Learners were introduced to the new topics "in", "on" and "under" in the class. The introduction to the months of the year was done with the help of a chart and calendar. Learners wrote the composition 'My friend' in the notebook. 


During the Math Session learners recited backward numbers from 50- 1 and later wrote numbers in their notebooks. An assignment related to the mixing of colours was done where the learners had to mix blue and yellow colours to get a green colour and circle the objects that are green in colour. 


During the theme session, the teacher introduced different bills and coins. Also, currency was introduced showing coins and currency notes and also with the help of a story. Later a recap session was conducted where learners were able to identify ancient and modern means of communication and also co-relate old Indian currency with the new ones.

Visual Art

The teacher introduced Warli Art, a traditional form of Maharashtrian folk art, to the learners. Incorporating a story about the history of Warli Art added a cultural context and depth to the learning experience, making it more meaningful for the students. Showing examples of Warli Art paintings provided visual references and allowed learners to see the application of this traditional art form. This not only helped in understanding the style and patterns but also served as inspiration for their own creative work. Having learners create a border using patterns was a hands-on and practical application of the knowledge gained.


The teacher incorporated interactive and engaging activities into the learning environment. The activity of playing catch with a ball not only promotes physical activity but also provides valuable opportunities for social interaction, communication, and teamwork among the children. 

The teacher introduced the game of cricket to the children. Incorporating hands-on activities and demonstrations was an effective way to make learning enjoyable and memorable. Allowing children to see and practice the actions of catching, batting, and bowling firsthand provides practical, experiential learning. 

The Sr.Kg learners were engaged in an interactive approach by introducing the game of frisbee.  Allowing the children to experience the game firsthand by explaining how to catch and throw the frisbee was an excellent way to facilitate hands-on learning. This method is likely to enhance their understanding and skill development . Engaging the children in playing the game directly promoted active participation. Physical activities like frisbee not only contribute to physical health but also enhance coordination, motor skills, and teamwork.