What is Webquest?
Kalamazoo Mathematics and Science Center's Presentation Center, where WebQuest takes place
The WebQuest homepage, before updating and migrating the information to a Google Site.
The idea for KAMSC's WebQuest project began in 1999 when Biology Teacher Cheryl Hach and Science Lab Technician & Network Administrator Mark Peters wrote a $5,000 state-funded grant to bring technology into the classroom. Their idea, "EcoQuest 2000" was one of the first examples of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and required students to conduct internet research about a selection of ecology topics and present their findings to their classmates. With the grant monies, Hach and Peters hired a handful of KAMSC students to create and maintain the website in HTML. Once funds from the grant ran out, Peters took on the maintenance of the website (passing this down to Mark Spackman and later Mark Cardwell and then Katelyn McCarthy once the Lab Technician position ended).
WebQuest, as it is now known, has always been a collaboration between KAMSC's Science and Technology departments. Since it's inception, three Biology Teachers (Cheryl Hach, Chris Chopp, and Colleen Chapoton), two Lab Technician/Network Administrators (Mark Peters and Mark Spackman), and four Information Technology (formally known as Interdisciplinary Studies) Teachers (Mitch West, Peg Becker, Mark Cardwell, and Katelyn McCarthy) have guided students through this project. Additionally, the topics have been refreshed throughout the 20+ years the project has taken place, allowing for current and relevant topics to be at the focus of WebQuest.
In WebQuest, students work in small groups to research a specific example or scenario relating to Ecology. This website serves as the launch pad for these mini research projects. Contained in the "Topic" pages, students can find a series of guiding questions and suggested websites to start their research. Grading rubrics are provided at the start of the project, and students are given time in IT to research and build their presentation. WebQuest requires students to meet and work outside of class as well to ensure their 20 minute presentation is practiced and polished before presenting their work to the group. A grade is earned in both IT and Biology class; additionally the content in the presentations is assessed in a Biology Test.
Project Details
Read the information, including scenario, roles, and guiding questions, found on your group's topic page.
Divide roles, content, and work equally amongst all group members.
Do (internet) research to answer questions.
Collect text & images from (internet) research.
[Remember to save all URLs for citations!]
Use the gathered information to create a presentation that will last no more than 20 minutes (including Q & A)
Advice for Students
As a group, stay organized. Keep track of sources and URLs.
Group members will need to work together sharing ideas and resources (information) in order to form a cohesive and complete presentation. This means going beyond stating facts and answering questions like a checklist.
Explore the resources (websites) provided but keep in mind you have the whole world (wide web) at your fingertips. However, also try to limit the scope of your research to a reasonable size.
Reflect on the guiding questions and information. Keep these goals in the back of your mind throughout the project.
Be creative! The more you get in to the roles that you are playing the better job you will do and the more fun you will have! In the end you will be proud of what you have accomplished!
Webquest 2024
This year's WebQuest presentations will be held Monday, November 18th through Thursday, November 21st.
Please see the schedule posted to the right, as well as up-to-date information provided to you by your teachers through Google Classroom.
Students, take note of your group's presentation time. Remember to communicate any scheduling conflicts directly with your teachers as soon as possible. The "reserved" time slots are truly reserved for emergency situations and we make every effort to create a schedule early so that students can plan. [You want the reserved sessions to stay open, because they then become STUDY sessions. :) ]