Some of my work

You can find here projects I worked on and that allowed me to improve my skills like software architecture, image processing, UI / UX, 3D, global project management, continuous integration, and more...

Pixyway viewer (.NET/WPF)

Windows desktop app

Pixyway viewer (for Windows) is a personal project that I have started a few times ago. I think it could interest some people, so I am actually finalizing version 1! It will be released soon. This is about a picture viewer (like Google Picasa used to be) with additional tools, but not editing tools like Photoshop (c) or softwares like that... To get the latest news please visit:  

Pixyway official website

🍺Pixyway on ''  


GoodChapp (iOS,Android)

Xamarin Forms mobile application (pro)

As technical leader (full stack) for this original project, I worked on it from specification to the publication of a beta version. It was a pretty smart mobile application to play the matchmaker with all of your contacts. You can connect friends for personal or professional purpose.


MultiCAM Studio (.NET/WPF)

Windows desktop / tablet application (pro)

MultiCAM studio is a desktop application to record video events, like meetings, school courses or sport event and more... You can manage up to 4 cameras and mix it in real time. For the latest details about this application, don't hesitate to take a look at the official website: 


MyLuxe (WinRT)

Windows RT Tablet & PC application (pro)

I worked about 2 years for a well known company in the cosmetic market. As the main developer, in direct contact with the project manager, we were in charge of the migration / evolution of an historic tool 'MyLuxe' (a tool that brings in a consistent turnover). Many problematics have been solved. I worked from the specification step to the support team training but my main task was to build up a new architecture and to implement the main bricks of the solution.


Full stack app development (5 people's dev. team) -

.NET / C# / XAML / MVVM (WinRT) -

IOC / dependency injection -

Conception, architecting the main logic bricks of the solution -

Team training -

Performance, reporting, parallel task  problematic - 

SQL problematics (SQL Server / SQLite) -

Build up  a delivery system -

and much more -


Conciergerie (Xamarin Forms)

Xamarin Forms mobile application (pro)

For Europ Assistance company, I worked as the main developer to build up a mobile front end for a concierge services application. Through this app, customers can ask a concierge for a wide range of personal services. They can follow all their requests and, if needed, talk  to assistants. I worked hand by hand with a designer team. 


Xamarin Forms app / .NET / C# / XAML -

Full app architecture -

MVVM pattern / Dependency injection / IOC... -

Fluid design workflow between designer team and the dev team -

Custom controls / XF UI renderers - 

Data Layer (API REST) to match the backend API -

In app custom analytics system (targeting customer's preferred services ...) -

Implementing an intuitive requests forms filling system -

Mangatronic (WP8,Android)

Windows phone 8 & next Xamarin mobile application

One of my most famous app on the Windows Store. The goal here was to transform user's pictures into Manga drawings adding some funny 'anime' kind of filters. I created and did everything from conception to continuous integration factory passing by a few marketing steps. It was my first successfull mobile application.


Over 500K downloads on the Windows Store -

Full stack app development -

full .NET / C# / XAML application -

Conception / UI / design by me -

Managing 2 different production versions (Continuous integration) -

Advanced image processing / filtering (Nokia Imaging SDK) -

Testing / publication and marketing for this app -

Multi-language app (internationalisation) -

Vivastreet unofficial client (WP8)

Windows Phone 8 mobile application

This app was an unofficial Vivastreet client that was parsing the official website to collect announces. The strong points (compared to the official website), were a fluid and easy to use interface. It was possible to search, filter, select announces and contact people really quickly. 


Lights of Cali (WP8)

Windows Phone 8 mobile application (rewarded at Microsoft //Publish contest)

'Lights Of Cali' is one of my favorite application. It was a totally original app to create chill / retro / beautiful pictures from your photos. It was about to apply filters (mainly light leaks) and some styled texts on it. This app had a great success with thousands of regular users. I managed a small community sharing their creations, through the app and with dedicated facebook and Tumblr blog. I also did a few marketing and some influent tech blogs wrote detailed posts about this app. 


Full stack app development -

C# / XAML / MVVM, SQL database and custom server backend -

Totally customized UI -

Dynamic XAML Loading and rendering to generate badges on top of the pictures -

Imaging / picture processing algorithms -

Bug reporting with MS App Center -

Lots of Async / Await -

Ad Deals SDK integration (advertisement: -

Marketing and community management -


> Rewarder at Microsoft //Publish contest (2014) - Best Windows Phone 8.1 App

> See the contest results (

Dayzee (WP8)

Windows phone 8 mobile application

This is another Windows Phone application that I made for fun. It's just about setting up alarms / events / tasks on your phone with reminders. I implemented many options like recurrence, Windows Tiles counts or a full app skinning system.


Full stack app development -

full .NET / C# / XAML application -

Windows Phone tiles customisation -

IN-APP purchases -

Dynamic app skinning system to change colors, backgrounds and fonts at runtime -

Testing / publication and marketing for this app -

UI custom controls -

Telerik SDK -

Multi-language app (internationalisation) -

Particles engine (Win 3D library)

PC / 3D reusable library

I started my studies and first professional experiences by learning 3D. At this time I implemented a particle engine that can be reusable. It allowed me to learn the basis of 3D algorithms, matrices and 3D rendering processes.


P5.js (JS graphical API)

Graphic design for web -

Some years ago when I started programming, I loved to implement graphical effects (like in demo makers apps). It was all about algorithms, optimisations and good design. I tried a few times ago, to implement this kind of effects with the P5.js library, designed for web browsers. And here is what you can do with this lib:


fire algorithm > full javascript algorithm.

remembering old good developer's vibes =)

Real time sample here: