Our new family member is Sage. She came to us from Mason County, Illinois when she was three years old. She's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

We first met in the New Salem parking lot in Petersburg, IL. A representative from Pets Without Parents met us there to see if we would like to adopt Sage. It was love at first site for all three of us.

We brought her at home to see if she could live with us without any problems. After checking every room in the house, she decided she wanted to stay.

It wasn't long until she was so comfortable that it was easy to sack out in a rather embarrassing position.

The first big snow of 2008 stopped her in her tracks. She didn't know how to tackle that white stuff that was so deep she couldn't even see over it.

Her eating habits are something else. There are two bowls; one with water and the other with dry dog food in it. To soften those dry pellets, Sage scoops the water into the other bowl. Click on the picture to see a video of that practice.

There's another amazing thing about this little gal. She LOVES to walk on the treadmill. Click on that picture for another video.