
Term 3 Inquiry/Kaupapa: Ngā manu o Aotearoa - Birds of NZ

We are learning about some of the birds of Aotearoa, their habitats, and how we can show kaitiakitanga for these manu and their spaces. 

How can we take care of our place/animals/ecosystems?
How are living things suited to their particular habitat?
How do living things respond to environmental changes (natural or human-induced)?

Term 2 Inquiry/Kaupapa: Harakeke, a local resource

We are learning about the way our local communities have utilised the invaluable Harakeke.

Term 1 Inquiry/Kaupapa: Ngāti Kahu History

Kererū have looked at the origins of Ngāti Kahu - from the voyage of Tūmoana to Kahutianui's arrival on the Karikari peninsula. 

After we have discovered what happened, we wrote and performed a class play at school assembly, and also created our own versions of waka hourua to understand how our ancestors came to Aotearoa.