Caring for Papatuanuku


Understand that people have social, cultural, and economic roles, rights, and responsibilities.

Understand how places influence people and people influence places.

Visual Art: Investigate and develop visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination.

Check the class library for books on the subject.

Watch some videos for more ideas.

Connected 2015 Level 2 Heat It Up.pdf

This article tells the story of Paige and Sabitra, two friends who want to make a solar-powered oven.


This report highlights the world-first achievement of Tokelau in using renewable energy sources (solar energy and coconut oil) for all its electricity.


This report describes the use of solar panels to make electricity and includes an example of a school that has been using solar power since 2008.


Illustrate your idea for the best way to look after our planet. Use an A3 piece of paper with a landscape page layout . You can use crayons and dye, paint, or coloured pencils to colour your picture.


Our artwork will be sent to Mainfreight to be considered for their 2020 calendar. Each child whose artwork is chosen to appear on the calendar will receive a certificate and their photo will feature on the page. Once the artwork has been selected they will let us know who from our school has been chosen for the calendar.