
Attendance is very important in your child's education. Students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. 

Click here for the attendance policy.

If your child is to be absent, please contact our attendance clerk and send a note in order for your child to be excused.


Email notes within three business days upon a student’s return to school for absences amounting to three days or less. Please include the following information: date, student name, date(s) of absence(s), reason for absence(s), parent/legal guardian printed name, signature, and contact number. Phone calls will not be accepted to excuse absences. 

Extended Absence Request

All absences between 3 and 10 days consecutive days need to be approved by the grade level administrator at least 10 days in advance of the days that your child is requesting to be absent. Please Email VP Aronica (grade 7-9) at or VP Macadangdang (10-12), and they will help you with this process.

-Students are expected to be passing all classes.

-Absences will not be excused during Finals Week or the last five days of semester one and semester two. 

-Students may be required to submit documentation for requests. 

-Absences will not be excused for additional days required for quarantining.


Reasons for Extended Absences:

-Educational Trips/Programs 

-College or Post High Recruitment/Visitations


-Family Deaths/Emergencies


-Family Trips