Other Resources

Online there is an infinite amount of resources available for teachers and students to help maximize the time spent learning. Below are some links to helpful pages to help students with homework, computer skills, and educational entertainment along with links teachers may find useful as well.

This page is an invaluable resource provided by your librarians here at Tanana Middle School. The page includes links to external resources for homework help, databases for reliable research resources, resources organized by subject, and links to information about copyright rules when you use imagery in your work.

Student Learning Resources

Educational Resources

Google Earth Education has a great abundance of educational material across subjects and puts them in a geospatial context through the Google Earth Engine. Go to the resources page to find material organized by type.

Khan academy is a great source of educational videos across subjects. Students and teachers can utilize this resource.

Discovery education is a educational source with games, step-by step problem solving, and interesting case studies so students nail down important concepts.

Triviaplaza has a variety of quizzes in subjects ranging from science to geography! It is a great resource for students hoping to test their knowledge in specific subjects or just overall in that subject.

This site contains an array of videos in many subjects (math, science, social studies). It is arranged so you can easily find videos within a specific subject. Easy to use and good video content.

Brainpop is a great resource for teachers. It has many fun educational animations for students and then quizzes to go along with the videos.

Science Resources

The NSTA Freebies for Science Teachers provides links to worksheets, lesson plans, etc. in the sciences (e.g. infectious disease, junior ranger workbooks, geoinquiries, etc.)

This site is a great resource for finding sites in specific subjects in science (biology, engineering, environmental, etc.)! Since it is NSF you are ensured the sites that are included are reviewed and trustworthy.

Teaching students about microbiology? This site has many interactive models and imagery explaining cellular biology.

BBC earth's YouTube channel has great educational videos about earth including wildlife, weather, etc.

An online website from the University of Colorado with simulations in many science subjects along with homework assignments and example questions.

Gale Science has is a great source of information in the most relevant topics of science today. It references it content linking to the reference.

Math Resources

Arcademic skill builders is loaded with fun educational games teaching kids math skills such as multiplication and division.

This is a game that teaches students about geometric concepts in the form of a fun construction game.

Interactive math tools

Khan Academy Math is a great resource for math problems and skills of all ages.

This site has ample examples and solutions to math problems in a wide range of math subjects

Mathway is packed with step by step examples of problems arranged by subject and type of problem.

Math Pickle has a variety of math games arranged by either subject or grade.

Social Studies Resources

iCivics contains educational games and teaching resources for various social studies topics! Very fun, engaging, and educational.

Triviaplaza has many fun trivia games in many subjects! Including history and geography making it a good resource for social studies classes.

Google Arts and Culture has a wide range of resources for learning about world cultures and art exposing students to the beauty of cultures.

Smithsonian history explorer is a good resource for teacher's lesson plans, videos, and interactive media about all eras of history.

This site contains videos about US history and world history so students can choose what subject they want to learn about and watch a video about it.

Language Arts Resources

This site contains worksheets (in the form of PDF) across various grade levels in language arts arranged by subject.

Purdue Owl writing lab teaches how to properly format papers, general writing mechanics, etc.

Computer Resources

This link has the keyboard commands available for a Mac Computer.

This site provides Chrome Book specific keyboard commands.

The manual to Adobe Premiere Pro will help kids trying to understand all of the functions available in Adobe Premiere Pro.

The manual to Adobe Photoshop can help students and teachers understand basic photoshop function.

Additional G suite (Google Docs, Slides, Scholar, Sites, etc.) tutorials for educational purposes.

The official Google Site for how to use your Chrome Book.

G Suite Application Links

The following are links to various Google Suite applications ranging from the well known applications such as Google Docs to the less known applications like Google Drawing. For descriptions on application and uses for teachers or students, check out the page "

Google Docs

Google Slides

Google Forms

Google Translate

Google Sites

Google Drawing

Google Contacts

Google Chat

Google Hangout

Google Groups

Google Keep

Google Photos

Google Earth

Google Earth


Google Arts and Culture

Google News

Google MyMaps