Calming Practices

What you practice, you get better at.

This can be physical practice such as kicking a ball straight, or mental practice, such as imagining yourself kicking the ball straight -- many of the same pathways in the brain get stronger whether you are actually doing something or just focusing on doing something.

Pathways in your brain getting stronger is called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity means that we can shape our own brain by what we practice so we become better at doing helpful activities, being kind, and feeling connected -- all components of well-being.

Being calm is having your focus turn to a restful place in your mind, even when there might be stress-suggesting storms outside of your body in a room with you, or within you as thoughts and feelings.

Practice returning to this calmer spot because calm focus produces more accurate thinking and feeling --a better understanding of the different perspectives that could be going on , and more accurate thinking and feeling can help you make better decisions both in a sudden moment and throughout your days and adventures.

The 4 steps below are a way of becoming more calm for either when you are starting from feeling pretty good already so it is just practice, or for when you are feeling upset somehow, and then you are putting the practice to work with the steps as actions to help you feel better.

The 4 steps can be repeated as often as you remember to strengthen those connections in our brain that help us to have more clear understanding, and to make more informed decisions. Also, individual steps can just be used when moments seem right for them.

Click on each of the 4 buttons below for a wealth of calming information.