Mrs. Nelson's fourth grade

Message from the teacher:

In this unprecedented time, we need to remember to give ourselves a pat on the back for making it through every day. We are continuously learning to navigate this new, remote world of learning. I am here to support you. Remember that you matter to me. You have a brilliant mind. You can do this!

Mrs. Nelson

About me

Welcome to Arctic Light Elementary School and to fourth grade! I am looking forward to having an exciting year with all of you. Exciting things are happening at Arctic Light this year!

Thrilling things are happening in my life as well. During my first year teaching at Arctic Light (2006), my daughter was a kindergarten student. This year she will enter her Sophomore year of college at Penn State. I am going to be re-learning to teach a whole new grade this year, as I have not taught fourth grade since 2005. The remote learning is also going to be challenging for me, as we will be using Google Classroom for a hub of all assignments. Our class code for Google Classroom is kfd6t5e.

Students will need to check their school district email and log-in to Classlink and Google through their school district account. Changes abound for you too this year. Fourth grade is your child’s stepping stone to independence. It is a time for us, as parents and co-educators, to allow our children to be more responsible and independent than they were in the primary grades. Remember, we are in this together.

I ache to be back in the classroom with blended learning. This year will look very different from what we all know. For instance, students will not be able to share materials or celebrate birthdays with cupcakes in class. Kiddos will be sitting in rows of desks spaced six feet apart, unlike the partnering or groups that I prefer to use for cooperative learning. The in-person learning that I hope to see soon, will be unlike any educational setting I’ve ever seen. We are all doing our best to stay safe and healthy.

We are all in this together, and I am here to help you and your child through this unprecedented time in education. Always feel free to reach out to me, and “Welcome!” We are so glad you’re joining us.
