Tanana ELP

Quarter 2 Project Showcase


For the Final Project for Quarter 2, students in my ELP class are choosing "Passion Projects", something they want to spend 2 weeks learning about, and then demonstrating it to the class. Each student has their own page, linked below, to show off their project, both the finished product and the learning process / work they went through to get there. Mr. Evans has also created a couple "example project" pages of similar projects that he did during grade school, in order to show students what they're aiming for.

Example Project 1 - CG Art

Example Project 2 - Making IDM Music


Learn 3 songs on the bass

Making Helicopter (Stormworks)


the history of crossfit

trying to learn Python

Soccer juggling/footwork

Drawing On My Own

Improving my artistic skill

at least a 180 grab on a snowboard

Learning a Fingerstyle Guitar Song

Roblox Game

Mariana Trench research + slides

Politics. (even though they might seem boring I enjoy them)

Writing a full book

Sign Language

Making toys for my kittens

Project Title Pending...

Roblox Horror Game

Let's Make French Toast!

Baking and decorating

Crafting for Christmas

Project Title Pending...

Tanana Middle School Lockdown Short Story.

why do chameleons change color? research

Scripting in Roblox Studio!

Salem Witch Trials

Universal star researth

Project Title Pending...

Learning to Fly

(Chosen by Class Vote)