This employability skills rubric provides a structured framework for evaluating students' performance beyond their technical knowledge and skills throughout any CREATE2THINK unit.  The rubric allows educators to evaluate areas such as communication, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and professionalism within the context of each STEM unit. By assessing these skills alongside the technical aspects of the unit, teachers gain a holistic understanding of students' abilities and growth. Moreover, the rubric helps students understand the importance of employability skills and provides them with specific criteria to work towards, fostering self-awareness and facilitating their own growth and development. Ultimately, utilizing an employability skills rubric in assessing a STEM unit empowers both teachers and students to recognize and cultivate the multidimensional skills necessary for thriving in STEM-related careers.

Employability Skills Rubric.pdf

Version 1

Employability Skills Rubric (1).pdf

Version 2