Narrative writing


One of my favorite memories from when i was younger was when i was in Virginia with my cousins Liam and Christian and my sister Brook. We were in the woods when we saw a tree that had fallen, my youngest cousin, Liam, jumped on it and started playing. And me, my sister and my cousin, Christian followed. We stayed up in the woods for about an hour, then my cousin Christian, the oldest, sent me down to get some peanut butter to leave out for the bears and deer to eat. I remember having trouble getting down because there were a bunch of rocks and the mountain was super steep. I yelled for my sister so that she could help me get down. When we got to the bottom I ran to the house and grabbed the peanut butter and a butter knife before my Aunt Talia could ask what I was doing. When I went outside I couldn't see my sister so I started walking to where I came down. I saw her up in the tree with my cousins. I was mad at my sister for going back up without me, but I felt like I could get up the mountain without breaking any bones ( don't worry I didn't). We put some peanut butter on the tree and then made our way down the mountain. And ever since that day, that same tree has been our hide out when we are trying to escape the reality of having a crazy family.

The Hero's Journey *******************************************


Hello I'm Elizabeth Macias and this morning I woke up with a email from my commanding Officer, Richard Warner. I'm a undercover agent in Luton, Mars Working on a case involving a series of robberies. Everybody thinks that the robberies are from someone living in this town, but i have a different suspicion. Our rival city, Hok, could be trying to take our money because of their financial problems.

This is what the email said

" Elizabeth,

I have a mission for you. You need to go undercover as a hokian and find out who has been stealing the money from our banks. Yesterday I got a call from Santana saying that another bank had been robbed after we investigated Central Bank. She talked to a witness that said that the robber had been wearing black clothes, sadly she didn't see his/her skin. Please come to the station asap to examine the evidence.


I went down to the station as soon as i finished reading the email. When I got there Richard was waiting for me at the evidence table. He told me that there had been another robbery over night and that this time they took hostages. I told him that i had expected this. They weren't getting enough money so they were going to take hostages. Soon after we would get a call from the robber saying he would trade the hostages for money, and we would be forced to give him/her the money.

Minutes after I said that we got a call from and unknown number saying they had the hostages and they would make a trade. During the call I realized that the person had been using the words we and us which most likely means there are more than one robber, which explains how the robber/s was able to get from central bank to mars hill bank in the matter of minutes. I asked Richard if he was able to get a hold of the banks security cameras and he said that the cameras were wiped clean.

Richard pulled me to the side. He told me that Santana Lopez and Bradley Fazeli would be accompanying me on the mission. He said we would be leaving early tomorrow in the company jet. I went home and started packing up. I imagined that I would be in Hok for a good amount of time so i packed a bunch of clothes. I put my ray gun in my suitcase along with a fake Hokian badge and went to sleep.



My alarm went off at 9:00 am this morning but I actually got out of bed at 9:30. I put my suitcase in my air rider and drove to the airport where a chauffeur was waiting to take my bags. I found my way to the back of the airport where Richard said he would be. I saw him at the gate for jet number 117. He wished me luck then i hopped on the plane and took a seat. The jet was wonderful, It had food, drinks, board games, It even had a pull out bed, which seemed very comfortable by the way,which also made me realize how tired i was . I put a sleep mask on, pulled out the bed and closed my eyes.

When I woke up Santana was shaking me and telling me that we arrived in Hok. I got out of the jet and felt a sudden burst of hot air, I hadn't realized how cold it was in Luton until I got to Hok. We went to our hotel and put all our stuff in our rooms, we decided that we could meet in the cafe in half an hour, which i though was good because I was going to use this time to catch up on all the evidence LPD had collected. I was staring at the same picture for awhile and realized that there had been a trace of something, It could have been clothing, maybe a strand of hair, but I couldn't tell by just looking at a picture. I looked up at the clock, It was 10:29, I realized I should probably go down to the cafe to meet Santana and Bradley.

When I got to the cafe Agent Lopez and Agent Fazeli were waiting at a table covered with pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon and hash-browns. I walked over to our table, sat down and grabbed the waffles and hash-browns. While I was eating my food, we discussed how we were going to find the people who were stealing the money. I suggested that we asked Richard to set up cameras around every bank in Luton , and monitor them 24/7. We all agreed that it was a good Idea, I got up out of my seat and called Richard, I told him what we planned and he said that it was a good idea. I hund up and told Santana and Bradley the good news.

We all went back up into our rooms, I told Richard to send me the passwords to all the surveillance cameras around all of the banks as soon as he set them up, To my surprise he sent me them as soon as I opened my email. I opened them all up and waited until I saw something, I waited about 30 minutes until I saw figure It was skinny and what looked to be around 5'11 which was surprising because it resembled Richards body. I zoomed into the cameras and saw Richard Warner's face along with Agent Jonhnson and Agent Barnet's faces. I ran out of my room and sprinted to Agent Lopez's room, She opened her door and asked me what was going on, I told her that we had to leave and that there was no time to explain, I said the same thing to Agent Fazeli.

We drove as fast as we could to the airport and ran to gate 117, we told the attendant that we had to fly back to Luton as soon as we could. She told us that the plane was already back in luton and it would take 1 hour for the plane to arrive and another hour for us to get back to Luton. I told her to make sure that she call the pilot as soon as she had the time. We waited an hour then the jet finally arrived, We ran onto the plane and told the pilot to take off. I put some head phones on then drifted off.

As soon as the plane landed we got into an air rider and drove to the station where we saw Agent Warner, I walked over to him and told him to turn around, I put the handcuffs on him and locked them tight. Under his breath he said this.

" Oh well, I didn't think that they were smart enough to figure it out, I knew one day someone would figure out, but not them, not her."

Locked in

I was reading my text from Lilly just before the car hit me, it said:

“ Ameigh!!!!! I’m freezing cold outside, if you don’t come pick me up in 5 minutes, i’m going to tell mom you weren’t actually at the library!!!”

I looked up from my phone but it was too late, The pickup truck was coming straight towards me, I put my hands up (As if that was going to help). It went by so fast, I thought to myself

“ Ugh!! Lilly will be so mad at me”

But to be honest, that should’ve been the least of my problems, I was trying to get up, but I couldn’t move. I tried to call for help but nothing came out, I heard about something on the news a couple weeks later, something called Locked-In syndrome.My head hurt so much, I felt a constant pulsing, like someone banging a gong in my head.I waited for probably 10 minutes before the ambulance came, they hooked up a bunch of cords and wires to me to monitor my heart rate.

When I woke up, i was sitting in a hospital bed, I couldn’t move my mouth, it’s kind of like it was sewn shut.I saw my mom and Lilly come in, but I didn’t see my dad, then I realized that he was on a trip and if my mom had told him then he should be here in at least 3 hours. My sister was crying, she cries at everything, I remember she cried whenever she got into the school musical and she also cried whenever she watched a movie and the two main characters got married, My mom was crying too, which was surprising because she never cries(NEVER!!!!). I wanted to tell them that I was okay, but no words ever came out. I'm glad I could hear though, because that would've been bad, I'm disappointed in myself, why was I texting and driving, I had just gotten my license and my mom was still iffy about me driving. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and drop onto my hospital gown, I kept telling myself to stay strong, but it wasn’t working, before I knew it I was Silent sobbing(when you cry but make no noise).

Hours went by, I tried to sleep but every single one of my nerves was jumping and bouncing around everywhere, I wanted to understand everything, why all of this happened. If only I had been paying attention to the road instead of worrying about my mom knowing what I was doing... “Maybe i'm paralyzed” I thought, “Maybe this is just my way of dying” All of these thoughts came back to me over and over but the one I was most scared of was “Maybe I'm dead”. It made sense, My eyes wouldn’t move, and as much as I try ,My feet, Hands, Head, and legs won’t move. So maybe I'm dead, Maybe this is just my way of saying goodbye to the world, getting my last glimpses until my body shuts down, my eyes go black, and my heart stops pumping blood to the rest of my organs. Maybe i'm DYING, maybe my body is just getting ready to shut down, maybe my body is shutting down.

After my few minutes of myself imagining dying, The doctor walks in, She says to me:

“Hello Ameigh, My name is Doctor Meredith Grey, And right now you are at Grey-Sloan memorial hospital, My intern, Doctor Jo Wilson will be taking care of you while we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong.”

I wanted to talk but something was holding me back, that and the fact that it was actually Physically impossible to open my mouth at the time. I fell asleep a couple minutes after the doctor left, while I was sleeping I kept having the same dream over and over again, It was of me driving on the freeway going to pick up Lilly, but this time something was different, I didn't have my phone. I was driving casually, not looking at my phone, I saw the same car that hit me, but this time I was paying attention so I stopped. That same dream/nightmare was running through my head for probably a couple hours before I woke up.

After I woke up I just sat there for a couple minutes, just staring at the same wall I had been staring at for half the day, It was a beige wall with a big monkey sticker on it, The room was boring, I wanted to fix it, but obviously I couldn’t. I wanted to be an interior decorator after I finished college, I had my whole life planned out, where I wanted to go (Auburn University), I knew how many kids I wanted (3), I even knew where I wanted to be buried, I was a planner, I knew what I wanted to do and I knew how I wanted it to be done, If anything ever happened to me or my sister or my mom or my dad, my whole plan would fall apart.

Three doctors came in my room in the span of at least 6 minutes, the first doctor was a pretty short guy, he had brownish hair and a doctors lab coat with the name Alex Karev on it. He told me that he was my pediatric surgeon if I needed surgery at any point. The second doctor was a girl, She had medium length brown hair, I noticed she was married, on her coat it said Jo Wilson, so i'm guessing this was the Jo Wilson Doctor Grey was talking about. The last doctor that came in was Doctor Bailey, I already knew her name because when Doctor Grey was in the room she introduced doctor Bailey as the chief, which i'm guessing is the person that runs the hospital. None of them really tried to interact with me, the only person that really said anything was Doctor Wilson, she asked me The typical questions like “What grade are you in?” or “Do you play any sports?”.

It was probably around 10:30 whenever I fell asleep, I had been tired for the whole day but didn’t get too much sleep. I noticed that my dad hadn’t came the whole day, which was surprising because I would think he would want to be here with me. I finally got rid of all the stress from the first day. But I knew this wasn’t the worst of it. Earlier in the day a doctor named Arizona came in and told me what was wrong, I in fact did have Locked-In syndrome, she said she was going to do everything she could to make me better, but that it wouldn’t be an easy process.

Test after test and surgery after surgery, the doctors tried to help me. They said I was getting closer to being able to move, they put wires on my head to monitor my brain activity, searching for a disparity. I was in the hospital for 5 months before they had something that could really help. It was Quadriplegiaostomy, I forgot what they said because they used all these doctor words and stuff, but I thought it would work. They took me to the OR and did the surgery. When I woke up, my family was there, Lilly, My mom and my dad. They all said hi to me, I responded.

After almost 7 months in the hospital, I was better. I could go back to school and see all my friends, I was so excited, But my mom stopped me, she told me that since I was in the hospital for so long I would have to repeat Junior year. “Well Crap!!” I thought to myself, but then I thought how lucky I was to be alive.