
So what I'm going to talk about in my essay is different seashells the Sundial shell, Angel Wing,etc. One of the seashells I'm going to be talking about is the Sundial Shell this shell gets its name from their shape and they look like circular instruments that tell time. The size of the Sundial is usually reaches up to 1 and a half inches. Their color are usually whitish to tan with dark brown spots. The second seashell I'm going to be talking about is called the Angel Wing. Where you can find the Angel Wing is along the shores of tropical and temperate seas. The size of Angel Wings can grow to is about 8 inches. The color of Angel Wings are white to grayish white and a little bit of pink. The third seashell I'm going to be talking about is called Triton's Trumpet, Triton's Trumpet name comes from a god named Triton and was the god of the sea in a ancient Greek myth. You can find Triton's Trumpet in shallow waters near coral reefs. The size of a Triton's Trumpet is usually can be long as a ruler. The color of the seashell are a creamed colored with dark brown blotches or with curvy lines. This essay has different types of seashells. Like where you can find them, their sizes, their color ,etc. And hope you enjoyed my essay

Books I have Read

  • Confession From The Principal's Chair

Its about this girl named Bird and she's from Denver but her mom want's to move. And so they move even though the girl doesn't want to. And the girl Bird is going to a new school called Thomas Jefferson and so she's enter and they ask for her name and supposedly she the principal until the original principal comes back.

  • Wonder

Its about this boy names Auggie but he's real name is August. And he doesn't have a normal face and he was usally home school. But his mom wanted him to go to regular school. And so he did but he didn't really like it because hr got picked on about his face.

  • Plum Fantastic

Its about this girl named Alexandra and does not want to be a ballerina. And she doesn't want to leave her friends in Apple Creek. But she stills moves away to Harlem and her mom putting Alexandra in this Nutcracker School of Ballet.

  • Everything, Everything

This girl named Mady is unable to leave this house because of her illness. And there's this boy named Olly and Mady and Olly been talking through windows and phones since Mady can't go outside. And then they got into a deep bond that Mady went outside for the first time even though she wasn't supposed to.

  • Esperanza Rising

This girl named Esperanza always thought she was going to live with her family on their ranch in Mexico and she always had fancy dresses and a beautiful home with servants. But then her dad died and stuff happened. So Esperanza and her Mother got forced to go to California and settle in a camp with Mexicans farm workers.

  • Bud not Buddy

This boy named Bud Caldwell and he's a 10 year old orphan. And he mom had died and he doesn't know his dad. And so that's whats he trying to find out and trying to find him.

Students Should Have Limited Internet Access


I believe that students shoudl have limited internet access. Students should have limited access to the internet so that they would not look at things that they're not supposed to. Another reason students should have limited internet access is because they would not be on their phone and computer all the time. The last reason students should have limited internet access is because they would be more active with other activities.

Students could be looking at things they're not supposed to on the internet. In researching, this man named Ragsdale teaches computer education at a middle school. His argument stated "kids have a natural curiosity about how things work but more often than not they haven't developed the sense of responsibility they need to keep that curiosity in check." "Until they do it's our job to protect kids themselves". Another reason is if a child is by their self with the internet and no on else is around, the internet can be a deadly disruptive place. The reason why it could be a deadly disruptive place is because you could talk to strangers on the internet and they could kidnap you.

Students spend too much time on the internet. According to a article teenagers spend 27 hours a week online. The more time students spend online the more they get dependent. The more students are online it could be become a habit and they become lazy and get behind in schoolwork.

Students would be more active if they had limited internet access. If student sit around on the internet they would not be physically active. Instead of studnets being on the internet they could go outside and play. Playing outside could is exercise and is a good physical activity. Students could also learn more by reading books if they had limited internet access. Spending time with their famliy is something else that they could do without the internet.

In conclusion there are many reason why students should have limited internet access. Students could not be doing things that they are not supposed to do like talking to strangers. The less time students are on the internet the more time they could spend on other activities such as school work. Student would have more time with their families without the internet.