Narrative writing

Everything Everything : Everything everything is about a girl named Madeline she is sick she cant go out side she has been sick since she was a baby it is hard for her and her mom she cant eat types of food that will also make her sick but she looks normal. One day she sees a moving truck out side their is a boy looks about the same age 18 she wonders what he is like it also makes Madeline sad because she wished she had a normal life she never wanted this but when she saw other people her age having fun out side it made her think what if what if she did run out side never did though later on the boy Ollie came with his sister with a cake my mom oped the door she said she could not let them in or accept the cake because i could i die she did not say anything about Madeline not that she was ashamed she was just protective later on that night while Ollie was putting things up in his room all black but the is irrelevant Madeline got his number they talked for a while and she never thought t anything of it but little did she know that would be the love of her life.