
Healthy Mind & Body Activities

25 At Home Social-Emotional Learning Activities

  1. Practice your favorite breathing technique

  2. Make a list of all the feelings you can think of

  3. Play emotions charades.

  4. Write a letter to someone to let them know you appreciate them

  5. What is respect? What does it look like? Make a list of 10 ways to show respect

  6. Helping others brings us joy. Pick a chore to help your family with

  7. Make a poster to promote KINDNESS. Make a list of ways you can be kind to others

  8. Make a list of things that bring you joy and make you happy

  9. Mindful Minute- go outside and sit, close your eyes for one minutes and focus on all the different sounds you hear. What did you hear? How do you feel?

  10. Practice “Soup Breathing”. Use hands to make a “bowl”. Smell the soup (in) and cool it off (out)

  11. Make a list of things you can do when you are upset

  12. Read a book or have someone read to you. What feelings did you notice as you read/are read to?

  13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Draw a picture of you doing that job. Ask a grown-up what they know about the job

  14. Grounding: Draw/Write 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste

  15. How are you feeling today? Write/draw/talk about the feelings you are feeling today

  16. Think of three things you can do to help someone out in your house today

  17. Mindful jar: On a strip of paper write 10 things you can do to calm down/make you happy. Tear them and put them in a jar to choose form next time you are upset

  18. Power of YET: Write/draw about something you can’t do YET, but want to get better at

  19. Fold a piece of paper in half 2 times. Write one of the following emotions in each square: happy, sad, worried, angry. Draw/Write things that make you feel these emotions

  20. Namaste- Find a soft spot and practice yoga to calm your body

  21. Draw an outline of your body when it feels angry. Mark the parts your body feels anger in red

  22. Gratitude: Draw/make list of things that are important to you/ you are thankful for

  23. I-Statements - Role play and practice using I-Statements. “I feel ______ when you _________”

  24. Friendship: What does it mean to be a good friend? Write/draw 5 things you can do to be a good friend

  25. Draw/list 3 things you like about yourself and/or things you are good at. Write some kind words to yourself. This can be a drawing, letter, positive statement. Say them out loud to yourself.

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