6th Grade Course Information

Language Arts / Artes del lenguaje

Sixth-grade students experience English language arts through exploration of communication and author’s craft. This emphasis allows students to study those structures (systems) and styles (communication) that authors use to communicate ideas about the world. As such, students read extensively from a variety of genres, including fiction, narrative nonfiction, nonfiction, and poetry and transfer what they learn about those genres to their own writing and speaking. Students write for a variety of audiences and purposes, using narrative and expository forms. Additional emphasis is placed on continuing to build comprehension strategies, understanding Latin roots for vocabulary development, and using correct punctuation and grammar. A focus on systems reinforces students’ developmental processes in word study and fluency and their continued growth as readers and writers. Each grade also uses a second concept as a focusing lens through which students gain deeper understanding of elements of language and literature. Additionally, courses are designed to incorporate a balanced literacy diet that includes the components of fluency, word study, comprehension, and writing.

Math / Matemáticas

Math 6 or Math 6 Compacted

6th grade students at Henley Middle School will take either Math 6 or Math 6 Compacted depending upon a variety of factors including recommendation from their 5th grade teacher, standardized test scores.

Click the links below for detailed descriptions of these two math options and the math progression:

Math Course Descriptions   /   Ofertas de matemáticas 

Math Progression

Science / Ciencia

Sixth grade students focus on data analysis and experimentation in their science classes. They learn precise methods for testing the validity of their predictions and conclusions. Students study energy sources, transformations and uses, with emphasis on the role solar energy plays in driving most natural processes. They study basic chemistry such as the structure of the atom, elements and compounds and chemical formulas. Students learn about the properties of water, the natural and human interactions that affect watershed systems and the structure and dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere. They also study the solar system and natural resource management, particularly as it relates to public policy. 

History / Historia

6th Grade Electives:

All 6th graders will have one elective block that will alternate with their Health/PE course. 



Performing Arts Interest Forms:

If your student is interested in either band, orchestra or chorus as a 6th grader please make sure to select that with your student's elementary school. Please feel free to check out the following program flyers. Contact information can be found there.

Band Interest Flyer / Folleto de interés de la banda

Orchestra Interest Flyer / Folleto de interés de la orquesta

Choir Interest Flyer / Formulario de interés del coro