Socio-Political Characteristics

Created by Allyson Rutherford

This panel is about the socio-political in southern Africa. Socio-political is an issue that impacts people that is impacted by politics. Examples of this can be government types, human rights (women, LGBTQ+, race), and education. There are many categories that can fall into the  socio-political category. The main topics that will be talked about are education, women in government, and tribes.

Infographic Slide Show

Below is the literacy rates of the countries that are in southern Africa. Literacy rates are impacted by who is getting the education and also the level of education given to each person.  The literacy rate is shown for the whole country, then the men's and women's literacy rates.  Click on the arrow to see the different countries literacy rates. 

Created with- google slide and Adobe Fresco,  source - A to Z World Culture

Southern Africa Litracy rates

South Africa Government Prezi 

Above is a Prezi about Women in South Africa's government.  It will start with quick facts and then will start to talk about five different women who have roles in government. Click on the Prezi to get to the presentation.  At the presentation click on the arrows to get to the next section.  Created by Prezi.

Source- Gov.ZA

Tribes in Southern Africa Image Slide show

Tribal groups

These images are of five different tribes that are native to southern Africa. There are many more tribes than just the five listed here.  Such as Bakongo from Angola and Ovambo from Nambia. All of these tribes have been or are continued to be impacted because of the governments that are emplaced. Click on the arrows to go to the next image. Created with a Google slide.

source -  Buzz South Africa