Course work

What will I learn in English Language Arts?

English Language Arts is a course that connects reading, writing and vocabulary development through various units across the curriculum. Through various genres, discussion, collaborative thinking and creative projects, students will exhibit their mastery of a variety of writing styles, rules of grammar and presentation. This year, students will read various informative/non-fiction and fiction texts as well as short stories and poetry. Students will be given opportunities to showcase their learning while making progress as readers and writers.

Resource ELA follows the General Education curriculum fine tuning lessons through accommodations (how the lesson is delivered and assessed) and through modifications (what is taught throughout the lesson).

Grading in ELA for 6th, 7th and 8th:

  • Daily class assignments and quizzes = 60%

    • Interactive journals, reader's workshop, graphic organizers, first drafts, peer review and editing, etc...

  • Tests, Projects and Major Writing Assignments = 40%

    • Final drafts of written assignments, tests, projects, etc...

We will use have a hybrid working environment - Paper and pencil with technology embedded for various assignments. Because we emphasize the writing process, most work will be handwritten and later transferred into Google classroom.

Materials you will need:

  • Writer's notebook (composition book)

  • Two-pocket folder

  • Pen/pencil

  • Glue sticks

  • Scissors

  • colored pens and pencils

Extra supplies appreciated are:

  • pencils

  • tissue boxes

  • hand sanitizer

  • extra composition books

  • extra glue sticks

  • clorox wipes