Device and App Advice

What device is right for your kiddo?

In general, Crossroads elementary school students do not need personal devices for home use. In an attempt to strike a healthy balance of tech use, that students will inevitably use more frequently as they get older, we have a conservative stance in K-5th grade to utilize technology and devices when there is a meaningful fit within the school day. We also have a robust digital citizenship curriculum that begins in kindergarten and devices are shared within grade level teams while on campus.

What device should we have at home for homework use?

As mentioned earlier, students do not need personal devices for home use, however if you are interested in having one accessible for your child's use please use the articles and guidelines below as resources to guide your decision. While in school, your child is exposed to several operating platforms: K-3rd are familiar with the Apple operating system of iPads as well as Chromebooks. 4th and 5th grade students primarily use MacAir or MacBook Pro laptops while on campus.

Great articles:

offers step-by-step help with specific device parental controls and free webinars!

Read how they review each device and tell parents exactly what parental control tools are best to use with each device.

Parent Internet and Media Safety Resources

Please check out the Parent University links here!Family Media Agreement Is your guide to all media with helpful teacher, parent and child reviews of apps, games, websites, books, movies & TV shows!