Political Parties Sylabus

Political Parties

Mr. Charles Burris, Instructor

Memorial High School

Course Description:

This class will investigate the history and development of American political parties. Students will learn about why parties form, how they are organized, and the roles parties play. Changes in party identification and their relation to voting are central to the class. Students will also explore how parties act as electioneering organizations and governing bodies at both the national and state levels.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of the course, the student will:

* Identify the theories of party creation and roles in American politics.

* Understand the role of parties in the American system.

* Comprehend the history of American parties and their development through periodic realignments and critical elections.

* Analyze the impact of parties in American government.

* Understand the structural problems of parties and the relationship of national to state and local parties.

* Evaluate the systemic weakness and possible reforms of American parties.

* Comprehend the relationship between the party system and the society as a whole.

Presentation of Material

Presentation of material will be by lecture and class discussion, reading of assigned text book, articles and essay handouts; audio/visual media; Internet and library research; guest speakers; student debates and panels, etc. Grade assessment will be determined by examinations, individual class participation, and group participation and conduct in your IRG.

All students will be expected to conduct themselves as mature high school students in accordance with the proper behavior and guidelines outlined in your student handbook.

This course is designed to develop within you the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal with the problems and materials in Political Parties. It is very demanding and rigorous. THERE WILL BE A READING AND/OR WRITING HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT EVERY DAY. Your academic goals are to develop critical literacy and disinterested reflection – through critical reading, analyzing data, and synthesizing course materials to develop new insights and understanding of our political parties in the United States with clarity and precision.

Written Assignments

All written assignments are to be in blue or black ink and in the designated form set forth in your English classes. Students who type or keyboard may do so, however it is not required. Proper Standard English grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and mechanics shall be used. If you do not follow the aforementioned guidelines, your paper(s) will be returned for correction before being assigned a grade. Any plagiarism from an undocumented source, book, article, the Internet, or from another student’s work will result in a 0% F on the assignment.


Testing will be done at regular intervals, at the end of a chapter or special unit being studied. Tests will be in an objective format (multiple choice, matching, etc.) or a detailed and comprehensive essay examination.


Grading will be done on a total point system. Each assignment or test will be assigned a point value in advance. Your grade will be figured on a percentage of total points possible.

100-90% A

89-80% B

79-70% C

69-60% D

59-0% F

No “extra credit” will be offered to raise a grade. If a student is doing poorly in our class, more time should be spent on regular studies and assignments rather than adding more work. I am available to help students before and after school when an appointment is set up with me by the student needing the help.


THERE WILL BE A HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT EACH AND EVERY DAY. Homework generally consists of writing an evaluative essay from your video notes taken that day in class and reading the text or handout articles when reading is assigned.


Textbooks in this class are the property of the State of Oklahoma. They are NOT your personal possessions to do with as you wish. Students are solely responsible for their assigned textbook. You are equally responsible for maintaining the good appearance and condition of the textbook to which you have been entrusted. Lost or damaged books must be replaced and the full replacement cost must be borne by the student to whom the book is assigned and entrusted. Do not lose, loan out to friends, deface or draw in your textbook.


If parents or guardians have concerns about any aspect of this class or their student’s progress, etc., I may be reached the Memorial Counseling Office.

Absent/Tardy Policy

Our class will strictly follow the policy outlined in your student handbook regarding absences and tardies. Be to class on time each day and in your assigned seat when the bell rings prepared to begin work.