2022 School Surveys

In May 2022,  a School Culture and Climate Survey was administered to both students and staff at the JSHS.  

This page includes results from the Tully Junior-Senior High School 2021-22 School Culture and Climate Survey.  More than 312 people took part in the survey, including 263 students in grades 7-12 and 49 staff. Participation in the School Culture and Climate Survey was voluntary and parents were given the choice to have their child opt out of the survey.

These surveys included questions about physical and emotional safety as well as questions on feeling valued and respected in school.  The surveys also addressed questions on diversity and inclusion.  These survey results will provide a look at how students’ and staff’s perceptions and experiences are being shaped as we return from the pandemic years.  Although there were several highlights in the Culture and Climate Survey, there were some areas that need to be addressed.  We will continue to stay committed to supporting the needs of all our students and staff by closely analyzing each question of both surveys.  This analysis will help administration with developing support and interventions to both staff and students as we move forward. 

JSHS School Culture and Climate Survey - May 2022

Student Survey Results

Staff Survey Results

Student Survey Highlights

86% of students say they feel Physically safe Almost Always or Frequently

71% of students say they feel Emotionally safe Almost Always or Frequently

73% of students say they feel Comfortable at Tully Almost Always or Frequently

Staff Survey Highlights

98% of staff say they feel Physically safe Almost Always or Frequently

92% of staff say they feel Emotionally safe Almost Always or Frequently

80% of staff say they feel Respected Almost Always or Frequently

71% of staff say they feel Valued Almost Always or Frequently

84% of staff say they feel Included Almost Always or Frequently

96% of staff say they feel Comfortable Almost Always or Frequently