Tips/Bullying Reporting

We take bullying and other issues to heart here at Tully. We also know that some students would rather be anonymous when reporting serious issues for many different reasons. For this reason, we have two platforms to report such things. Reporting bullying is not anonymous as we need to know all individuals involved; however, reporting other serious issues can be reported anonymously - we like to follow the old adage, "See something, say something." All reports are investigated.

To report bullying, please fill out the Bullying Form. This form is not anonymous and does ask specifics so we can investigate this fully and quickly. Reporting bullying doesn't have to be online - students/parents can report bullying directly to the administration if so desired.

To report other serious issues, please use our Tully Tips Form. This form is anonymous and asks for some details of the specific situation the reporter is referring to. This can be regarding student activity, suspicious activity on campus, vandalism, etc. Any activity that makes a student uncomfortable is worth reporting!